This Man Taught Millions of People to Draw for Free

Mark as Completed
This was a deep dive into the business of PROKO!
Igor Cornelis
Love stan’s vibe ! Happy to be follow my lessons here !
maciek szczech
awesome video
My favorite reasoning of Stan is when he proves how drawing isn’t so much about dexterity but rather an intellectual thing, when he draws a pear left handed. It works a lot to people who thinks they’re not gifted or they have natural lack of hand dexterity.
Gannon Beck
Such a neat video. I loved seeing art from Stan's first sketchbook that he did at Watts Atelier. Seeing the early work of great artists reinforces the idea that drawing and painting are learned skills. Thanks for putting this together. This was great to watch.
Giorgi Karkuzashvili
W Stan, the chad and the wholesome teacher!
I follow Proko since almost the start and I saw the incredible ascension of his vision about what should be a good art teaching site, in complete accordance with our modern time. So I can tell all my admiration for your work Mr. Prokopenko, in your teaching talent as much as in your very impressive skill in the art of drawing. Long life! ps : be indulgent for my poor english writing :0)
Vanessa N
Happy birthday Stan! 🥳 Super interesting to see the behind the scenes... and the old drawings and footage!
Josh Archer
SLEW, this was great! Thank you, Stan and team for making Proko happen!
Johannes Schiehsl
Happy Birthday Stan! Thanks for all the great advice!
Wasnt prepared to that this would give me goosebumps. Go proko. And slew
Stan Prokopenko
Thank you so much @SLEW for flying out and making this film. I had a blast hanging out for the week and I'm very impressed with how the video turned out. You rock!
Bruce Fisher
Very interesting to find out about the background and growth of Proko. Stan's skill level is incredible - in fact, it can be a bit daunting to even consider taking up art when I see the skill level he (and others exhibit). I am an older member of society, started drawing with graphite when I retired. I have no desire to be a "known artist" or to sell my art. Some people have liked one or two of my drawings and I am happy for them to have the piece of art as it pleases them. I think there is a place for the "retired artist" who just likes creating (for self, family and friends), but it is easy to be discouraged when seeing how good some professional artists have become. Enough of my "rave". Thanks Stan.
Awesome video, great to see behind the scenes of Proko. Thanks for the drawing lessons.
This is history happening right in front of us. Thank you Slew and Proko team for this documentary, it's a joy and privilege to watch art, business and art education revolution rolling out and be part of it. This for some weird reason reminds me Andy Warhol's films... :)
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