Use the provided references to draw the heads using only the four step method we’ve been working on. Good luck and have fun with the process! If you use a photo reference that we did not provide you, include them in your post here in the assignments so we can see how you did!
Used the first twenty of the reference image all in order. Haven't done this kind of practice in a while. Right now I have ton's of time to burn so I hope I can get a ton of hours practicing art.
Not sure why it's been like a million years. Anyways I struggled with the last few, the angles were really subtle ( Haven't watched the critique video yet )
Did these throughout the week while slowly watching the critique video. I tried to use a variety of reference I could find on Pinterest. The last 2 sets are after I finished the video. Feel like I got a lot better but need to still work more on hard poses and wrapping lines.
I got better the more I practiced. I could still use some work, and I think my line quality would be better if I did this traditionally rather than digitally.
i'm struggling with the sphere part. the cranial cavity just doesn't look very spherical to me-- it looks more flattened on the sides to me-- and then i struggle with the rest of the head. i think i need to practice this more in order to fix the proportions
I'm still struggling to understand what to do with the underside of the chin and how to show that in an abstract sense. Looking at some other posters here, I see some rendering of the "box" like how you showed, but I'm not sure really where it starts and ends I guess. @Michael Hampton Any way you can direct me in how to understand this better?
I'm actually quite happy with this. I have struggled with this for a while now and wasn't really satisfied. I understand the 4 steps in theory but executing is another thing. But this last week something just clicked in my head and suddenly it makes sense. It feels like I have gone from just doing the steps to actually understanding and connecting it with what I see in the reference, if that make sense? This is exciting because I can feel how I am improving, it also makes it more fun when drawing.
When the head covers the neck and you don't really see it in the reference, for example picture 17. I don't know what to do with it.
I drew 12 heads for my assignment. I think I may have the theory correct but my proportions look quite inaccurate. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated from you @Michael Hampton or anyone else taking this course. Going to watch the critiques now so I can improve.
Here are my initial attempts for this method. I quite like this blended with the Loomis method. It made things make more sense to me. Looking forward to continuing this course.
Educator, painter, writer, and art historian. Author of Figure Drawing: Design and Invention.
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Use the provided references to draw the heads using only the four step method we’ve been working on. Good luck and have fun with the process! If you use a photo reference that we did not provide you, include them in your post here in the assignments so we can see how you did!