Principles of Bas Relief
Principles of Bas Relief
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Figure Sculpting Fundamentals

Sculpture Techniques

Principles of Bas Relief


Principles of Bas Relief


Get your study board, some tools, and clay, and start practicing! 

Start by finding your subject.  A portrait of a friend or a study of a coin would be a great starting point.

Once you have your subject, you can start sculpting! I prefer to sculpt directly onto the board, but you can add a background by warming up clay and applying a thin, even layer to your study board. From there, you can build up your primary and secondary forms before proceeding to refining the details.

Scott Camazine
Here is a bas relief I did based upon a drawing I found online and a photo from PoseSpace. Comments, critique and suggestions are most welcome. Help me improve my work! Thanks
Sujanith Tottempudi
Wow, actually i stopped my sculpture or relief clay murals since a year...but I am always connected to this work. However, If i m still eligible to say...your work is extremely impressive to my eyes
Scott Camazine
Looking at this after I finished, I realized that I lost an important part of the gesture by making my figure too vertical. I lost the nice curve of the back from the right shoulder to the left hip/buttock area. I should take the time to do this again!!
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Proko sculpting instructor. Sculpting takes drawing to a whole new dimension.
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