
Phattara Groodpan
I'm back to work on my anatomy skills! I always learn so much watching the example videos after making my own attempts at it.
Sita Rabeling
First drew the legs on paper following Stan, then drew them again with Procreate with the pelvis added from yesterday’s attempt.
Sita Rabeling
First try without watching the vid. Went back to the pelvis chapter to place it simplified in the drawing.
Will need the vid to get all things right
I guess. (perspective…)
Marco Sordi
2022/1/22. Good morning everybody. Here's my second attempt for this section's assignment. Thanks.
Marco Sordi
2022/1/19. Good morning everybody. Here's my first attempt for this section's assignment. Thanks.
Two tries on the same example. Any advice is welcomed :)
Pretty cool studies! The proportions of the first one look more balanced to me (on the second, the femur looks a bit too long to be that much foreshortened). Anyway, great structure and forms!
TeResA Bolen
Hello and thank you in advance for helping. I’m trying to figure out where the bucket is for this pose, so that I’m constructing rather than copying. I tried reviewing parts of the pelvis lesson and 3-D models, and positioning the 3-D bucket into what I thought was the same position. I think in this view we are looking at 3 point perspective, is that right? @Stan Prokopenko , in the later critique video you talk about how you construct the pelvis starting bucket, and you talk about the 3 axes - but I’m not sure where to put those 3 axes in this position to start the bucket. I.e., without your 3-D tool, I wouldn’t have a bucket. In the Skelly photo, we can see the ASIS points, we have a clear view of the sacrum and ischia - but I’m still struggling to figure out what to do with that info to determine my axes. Thank you so much 🦋!
Hey, Teresa! Great job trying to figure out the bucket, this is a really tough angle of the pelvis. However, as far as I see it, the bucket should be a bit more of a bottom view than what you have - I did a tracing to help explain. If we follow the curve of the iliac crest, it should give us most of the top cap of the bucket (blue lines). Then let’s try to imagine the bottom cap by starting the draw the ellipse (orange lines) at the edges of the Ischium and trying to place the tip of coccyx at about the center (gray lines) of that ellipse. Then look for the pubic symphysis to find the very center of the front of the pelvis (red cross-contours), so we can indicate how the bucket is rotated.
I’d rather approach the perspective it in this more visual way, so I don’t know how to help you with the 3 axis question, sorry! But hopefully this makes some sense already. :)
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.