Imagination Bonus Week 01
Imagination Bonus Week 01
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Imagination Bonus Week 01


Imagination Bonus Week 01

Jeremy Vickery
This is a fun add on lesson to encourage creativity.
A Falco-octophant or Falco-elepus
I cleaned up my initial sketch a bit
Jun Huai Li
Armadillo + Addax + Ring-tailed lemur. Don't usually draw animals but was a good challenge.
I actually made two attempts. My first one was trying to be a mashup of a lamprey, puffin and a planarian (a planarian is a flatworm which you can cut up into dozens of pieces and each piece can grow into a new worm. Notably, their mouth is tentacle in the middle of their body). I was uh, disappointed with that one, so I tried again today! My new attempt is a porpoise + Glaucus atlanticus and I feel like it turned out kind of cool! I really wanted to give it countershading, so I gave it some color. :)
Shah Areq Mohaimen
This is my bio mashup, Gorilla, Tiger with deer. This was super fun.
Merle Lueur
Here is my bio mashup. I had so much fun doing it ! I am so glad there are imagination exercises as well, I really do need some. I tried and mixed a long maned wolf, a jerboa and a porcupine. I ended up using colors as well because I had ideas about the fur pattern, so I wanted to put it down on "paper"
Filippo Galli
I was lucky enough to get 3 pretty cool looking quadrupeds as random animals and this is what I came up with. I did give it a little bit of a background and a simple value system for fun, though of course these are subject to change if we color this sketch later on in the course. Once again, excited for week two!
Filippo Galli
I did a mix of a snowshoe hare, stoat, badger and flying squirrel! This was super fun.
I combined a horse, a cheetah, and a hawk to make this fierce creature.
Here is my creature. It has a bear’s head, the body of an owl, bandit snakes for a tail and tiny rat hands.
Martin Vrkljan
Tried to do something between a dog and an owl.
Jocelyn Sy
Here's my imaginative bonus assignment, a Bio-Mashup of a Red Panda, Labrador Retriever and Zebra. I know the assignment only asked for a drawing, but I wanted to see how it would look in color so I went ahead and finished it in color, using Clip Studio Paint.
Super cool! Love how you incorporated the different elements.
Pamela D
A mix of animals and a strange fish!
Wolf, bear and beaver.
Jeremy Vickery
Nicely done!
Arman Jucutan
I used a randomizer and this creature is a mix of a squirrel, dugong, and a mynah bird!
Jeremy Vickery
Wild! So fun!
Linus Lehmann
A mixture of a tiger and a fox.
Jeremy Vickery
I love this!
mostafa deif
Bat-owl-chimp or the bat chimpowl 😆
Jeremy Vickery
That's so cool! Would hate to see one of those in a dark forest
Jeremy Vickery
So cute! I love it
Wooti An
the beavorse
Jeremy Vickery
This is amazing!
Patrick Bosworth
Thank you for this! 😂
Jake Miller
Still got a lot to work on with composition and all that, but this was nice to get scribbled out, I've barely drawn animals ever, so it was interesting. Hope we colour them down the line. Asian Vine Snake Walrus Red Fox ALSO OWL! I didn't write that on there.
Jeremy Vickery
So very cool!
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About instructor
Jeremy teaches Light and Color and has worked for over 25 years in the animation, film and games industry, most notably at Pixar Animation Studios
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