Drawing the Head in Profile
Crystal Blue  (she/her)
I’ve been practicing heads in profile, which I pretty much never do. They feel really weird and I can’t quite figure out what’s up with that, but I think it might be something to do with my proportions. any feedback is greatly appreciated!!
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Antti Kallinen
One thing, that's something you didn't ask about, but I noticed because is something I do. While these are face studies I would try to make better lines, not to search with scratching. Hope I don't seem mean or something, I just mean that line quality or what it's called is worth noting even while studying other things. It's something I lack and find something I need to concentrate so I don't forget to draw with meaning, style.
Crystal Blue  (she/her)
Nah you don’t seem mean :) I have been neglecting working on polishing things, so it’s a good reminder
Steve Lenze
Hey Crystal These profiles are pretty close, good job. Make sure you use the same measurements for a profile that you would use in the front or 3/4 view. Also, make sure you show the face curving out and down from the oval shaped cranium. I did a quick sketch to show you what I mean. I also added some sketches of the mouth to explain how to show the 3D property of the lips per your request. I hope it helps :)
Crystal Blue  (she/her)
Thank you!!! I can’t believe I never considering thinking about the measurements as like a 3/4 view, I think that’s going to help a lot. Also I really appreciate the time and effort you put into your feedback, I’ve been able to improve so much from it.
Hi, are you working from reference photos? I would use references to try and match the correct proportions
Crystal Blue  (she/her)
the heads on the left sides of p1 and p2 as well as the one on p3 are from reference :)
Tejas Keswani
Well I think you should imagine this in 3d, as if there is a real head in front of you Like how the eyes are fitted deep inside the socket The cheekbones protruding And other things, if you could do that the results will be much more better as you now actually understand how shapes interact with space Hope that helps
Crystal Blue  (she/her)
thanks for the advice, tejas!
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