Kyle Goldglance
Kyle Goldglance
Kyle Goldglance
I ended making the penguin into basically another drawing but apart from that I stayed pretty faithful
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Ohhhh boy am I having a tuff time with this boot but I think I’m making some sort of progress I just wanna double check I’m sticking to the assignment
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Kyle Goldglance
the its kind of wonky but I can really feel the perspective on this one
Kyle Goldglance
I'm REALY not used to drawing with the csi technique since I always chicken scratch so these probably don't look that good
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Kyle Goldglance
Before and after watching the demo by the way I probably spent 10x more time on the second one
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First try with the pear! I had some trouble trying to keep the shading consistent, but it was a lot of fun.
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Kyle Goldglance
awesome love the shading
First attempt of pear drawing. It took 2h to complete. I used 4B pencil. Any feedbacks are appreciated :)
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Kyle Goldglance
looks nice can tell the hard work paid off
I think this turned out okay, but the disadvantage of digital is that I feel like I lost a lot of texture to the strokes. I feel like the plane changes are clear, but it almost has this "low-poly illustration" feel, instead of a drawing. I'll try to put in more texture in the second attempt :)
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Kyle Goldglance
how I add texture to my drawings while doing digital is that I color in by hand and use hatching or cross hatching instead of using the fill tool
Kyle Goldglance
I've only been drawing for about two weeks so it probably isn't amazing but I think it came out okay
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