Tuija Kuismin
Tuija Kuismin
Tuija Kuismin
I enjoyed this excercise a lot! This showed me how much work I still have to do with just designing shapes. Lineweight is on my mind, all the time, but, as of now, it feels like I don't have enough energy left to execute it for a more finished look - after I've poured my brain on earlier stages. From this assignment I also learned that I still have the annoying tendency to get into details all too soon. It gives my drawings a certain stiffness, I think. Today, though, I'm far more able to let go of pedantry than I was a year a go, and being loose and just feeling it is a great feeling, so that's a win :D.
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Velvet Tetrault
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Tuija Kuismin
Hi Velvet! I love this. As soon as I saw this picture I started smiling, grinning, even. Something about the scene you've portrayed is really funny (in a good way!). It's that blob of a man lying on the ground all helpless, like an upside down beetle unable to turn around. In the re-do below, you've made him sad about it, and, this may well be my personal oddity, but it makes it even funnier for me. Other than that, I find your composition great, as well as the action and movement you've captured. I think your lines are a little shaky, but that's okay. It seems to me you have a very good idea of what you want to draw, and you're executing that, so... great job, keep doing this :).
Tuija Kuismin
I spent unforgivable amounts of time wondering such things as why the blob doesn't fit inside the box. Meaning that I constantly find my focus on solving the wrong problems. At least that's how it feels, but then, I guess one can't get through a thicket without clearing the way. I'm wondering if my boxes end up looking distorted because there is too much convergence? Or because my vanishing points are missing, or misplaced? I don't know, I can't put my finger on where I go wrong. I find myself drawing a box but thinking of an ellipse, and plan to draw the box in two point perspective but end up following three point perspective guidelines, so... perhaps just a little break? :P. Fun it is, nonetheless, I love this challenge.
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Steven Wolf
Stan, when you said that this is the half way point of the course, that made me very happy, that there is going to be that much more of it. It’s been so great, and so helpful, so far. This course has been such a great investment! There were so many helpful concepts, so far, that I never fully picked up or understood from other courses, and or art lessons. Things that make everything else, that teaches concepts for line drawing, easier to manage. In that way, this course also adds value to all those other courses, for me. I just wish I would have had this course earlier because it would have saved me so much grief, and struggle. I really appreciate the thought and detail that you put into your lessons, Stan. Art teachers often explain things in ambiguous ways that leave me uncertain. But it’s clear to me that you really take the time to figure out how to explain things in the clearest way possible, and I just wanted to say how much I appreciate it. I am feeling really excited about drawing, and my art goals are feeling more attainable. I can not speak highly enough about this course! It’s already a 10 out of 10 and it’s only half way through! I absolutely love this course! Thanks for helping fill in the gaps of my drawing knowledge. Sorry it won't seem to let me post without hitting Request Critique. LOL
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Tuija Kuismin
I wholeheartedly agree :)
Hi everyone, can you give me some feedback on my master study please ? I really tried to think and apply all the things we have learn since the beginning of the course (drawing with energy, CSI curves, tappered strokes, line weight and all the good stuff :) ) And i find difficult to give myself an objective feedback... So if you have a feedback i would appreciate it a lot. By the way i did not respect the assignement because it took me almost 4 hours to achieve this drawing but i really really enjoyed a lot going on and on that i didn't see the time running... :)
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Tuija Kuismin
This is excellent, I think. I also think that the value we get from Master studies is in what we learn doing them, so feedback is actually secondary and it's difficult to give it constructively. You've given this time and effort, and it looks really good, so all I really can say is enjoy the proud feeling you've gotten from accomplishing this, and take that feeling to your next one :).
Mariana Umarusman
First attempt and second attempt after watching demo
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Tuija Kuismin
What do you guys think? Can someone give me some pointers of how I can improve ? Thanks in advance. I’ve also added the second one as well which I drew after watching stan doing it. Would also love to get some ideas on it. Thanks.
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Tuija Kuismin
Good work! Since you requested some pointers, here's a couple thoughts that came to mind: I think your shapes are good, especially with the second one clearly drawn with straight lines - I myself have learned during this course that using straight lines and corners really give your drawing better form and shapes. With these two examples, I'm missing some variation with values. Perhaps you could benefit from making a value chart (you might've done that), and blocking in the planned values before filling the shapes? In any case I think these are good pears, keep at it :)
Tuija Kuismin
Level 1 hands. It's ridiculous how I can't decide which way to rotate a box. However hard this assignment is, it was great fun and I'm learning a lot. I feel like I'm starting to grasp the right idea of perspective, which hopefully allows me to pay more attention to proportion and shape in future drawings. I wanted to do this both on paper and digitally, to practice drawing lines using a tablet along with figuring out boxes and perspective. This is a curious thing, I find that struggling with bad, wobbly lines when using a digital ink brush is somehow improving my technique with pen and paper. Go figure. Line quality aside, on this project, smudge appeals to me what comes to style so it's purposeful with these digitally drawn box-hands, please don't judge me for it :D. I'm really glad I gave this assignment a lot of time. Level 2 next, and I'm excited to tackle that because I think, in some ways, using a reference is constricting and keeping me from trusting the feeling and following intuition. So much fun!
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I had another try at this and attempted to break what I usually do from my drawings for this assignment a couple of days ago thsi time i'm practicing more linework whereas before I focused too much on detail and design, I just need to combine the two for thsi assignment whcih I may do later. This time I stuck to a few shapes to form the mouse, even though i'm aware the body is a bit long for a mouse, I don't know from where but I recall seeing art a long time ago that seemed similar to this where characters or things were created with simple shapes like this. But the main shapes I used was cone, Oval, and a circle. I used a couple of straight lines in some places such as the legs just as personal choice to draw them like that. The idea being that I am keeping most of the shapes harmonious and round since I remember reading about harmonious shapes, whether I implemented it well is another thing but I tried to simplify with few lines for this. No references since I drew this from memory but I probably remembered soem things from my previous rat drawing.
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Tuija Kuismin
Great! I like your notes are included so I get to see your thinking process as well. Simple shapes work :)
Tuija Kuismin
A super-helpful critique video again, thank you Stan :). One of the things I most love about this course is (in addition to your teaching style being fun and very encouraging, throughout last year I've enjoyed drawing, so much, even on bad drawing days when frustration kicks in) the structure. I'm given a challenge and basic tools for it in lessons and assignment, then in demos additional tools to help solving the problems I face, and then this kind of ta-daa!-enlightement and know-how in critique videos, to give me what I need to really start effective practicing. Of course the community is also awesome, I've learned a ton looking at what others are doing and working on. Perspective has proven to be more challenging for me than I ever anticipated. Probably because it's... kind of painful! But it's what I want to learn very well, and know I need to. Anyway, I got many good tips from this critique that inspired me to give this assignment another go, and feeling so inspired this feedback just had to come out, so... thanks! :D
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Tuija Kuismin
Level 1 boxes - started to get a hang of it, I think. At first I had hard time finding the correct Z-axis, somehow I was confusing the top and bottom planes of the box. After twenty boxes I did figure that one out, but now I'm having a proportional problem with the width of the front and side planes. I tend to make everything too wide, I wanted to try level 2 as well, though I'm feeling a bit insecure with just drawing a box correctly in perspective. Yes, the same proportional issues occur here as well, but that's not a big concern. The real challenge with each of these was the placement and size of the eyes. I don't know why, seeing the shape of the eyesocket and sizing an eyeball in it, and to measure the browline to the right height from the eye is just very difficult. Is it a depth-thing? Maybe I should proceed to drawing boxes over skulls.
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Tuija Kuismin
This was so much fun. It seems the time limit gives me energy, and I'm loving the feeling. I didn't have time for the longer drawing, but here are my 2 min sketches from tuesday and yesterday collected. I'm struggling a bit with finding brushes that feel comfortable and learning the digital stuff overall, but I got good ideas and nice new findings experimenting with this challenge.
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Tuija Kuismin
Two of these are 5 min sketches, one is 10 min. It's funny because I don't see a difference, but I can tell 5 min sketches felt a lot easier. It felt like freedom. Adding the extra 5 mins only added stress for details and I realized I'm using a couple of minutes on stupid staring and analyzing what I'm doing, instead of using all the minutes on actually drawing lines. Anyway, I have dreaded drawing anything in under 20 minutes, but really enjoyed doing these 5 min sketches with the timer tool. There are definitely many more sessions ahead and I'm now encouraged and excited to do quick sketches on other things than gesture, too. Awesome tool!
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Tuija Kuismin
Okay! First of all, this timer tool is amazing, thank you for making this possible. So hands-horror, and I decided to make it even more challenging by using charcoal pencil for the first time. I even sharpened it to bullet shape with a razor blade, first time doing that as well, so it's been a very exciting day for me :D. Really liked the feel of charcoal, but it'll take a lot of practise. These first tries are messy, but I'm quite happy with them, they turned out looking a lot better than I expected. I spent 15 mins on each, and an additional 10-15 mins to think and tweak on them some.
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Johannes Schiehsl
Still catching up on these ones. First image: studies from reference, second: from memory.
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Tuija Kuismin
Ooh these are great. Nice shapes, and the seals are so expressive. Love the birds you included, they're so much fun :).
Henner Hinze
Great exercise. It felt like I’ve progress already through this series of drawing. I’m still not quite happy with my line quality.
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Tuija Kuismin
Cool! I think these are very nice, you're capturing a great energy. I like how you leave the searching lines so visible. The line work in the first sketch is quite beautiful to my eye, and as I wondered why it stood out from the others I think it's because there's more variety with line weight. I don't know the order you've drawn these, but I think one, two and three you've posted here are the best. Your lines look more confident in them, and I love the softness or fluidity of lines after harder lines in later sketches. Also congrats for such good proportions!
Tuija Kuismin
Oh man... Perspective is a whole new territory for me and I was kind of dreading it because it seemed to me that I need to switch from Paint Brush to Excel Charts, so to speak. Noooo! So these are my two first ever attempts to draw any kind of room in perspective. I've tried drawing some room-like spaces in the past, a couple of times, but they were a big mess and got me too frustrated to even try figure it out. But what do you know, I surprised myself, as this assignment surprised me, big time: I enjoyed doing these, a lot! It was really fun. I feel like these two look just as insecure as I felt doing them, but I guess they work... and I realized how much perspective is going to help me improve in drawing anything, really. I think I got a little excited and inspired, I want to do more of these and also take the second one further a bit. (I know this was supposed to be straights and corners only, but I love old castles, stone structures and arching ceilings so couldn't stop myself. Sank a sink on the floor, though :))
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David Blundred
I redrew the apple I did after watching the demonstration video, I think it looks better than the first although I think I would have been better with an image that had a better light and shadow contrast. Any feedback is welcomed 😀
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Tuija Kuismin
Nice work! I took a look at your previous post, and what a difference there is :D. I see better consistency with shading, improvement with pencil technique and what most stands out to me is that in this second one you trust in the edges that values create instead of giving everything a heavy outline. This one is a good example of how clear shapes and values alone can look better than a dozen fine little details. Inspiring.
Tuija Kuismin
2024... my goal is to try out different tools, mediums and methods. I hope to find my own style, one I kind of fall in love with and it'll feel just right. In the long run, I'm aiming at inventing a concept for something between comics and a fine illustrated novel. It's a big goal and requires more years to achieve, but that's the dream :). Next year, it's going to be training basic drawing skills, trying out those tools, storyboarding and discovering my way to structrure a written story and combine it with drawings.
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Tuija Kuismin
Hi Liandro! I love the picture and the moment it captures. "I don't care where you drive that tank of yours, but it wont be across this flower, I won't permit it!" :D It's so sweet, and so relevant. The theme touches me. So it's the greens and reds that are challenging for you? If so, very corageous to make this piece with just those colours. And well done. I'm definitely no professional, but with my eyes... I might emphasize the root of the flower with a darker value, or, alternatively, give some highlight to it, just to have the focus of a viewer on what's going on in this scene, why is she stopping a tank? Same with the sky / clouds, some variation with values or some shading could give the picture a more striking atmosphere. I like it that you've chosen to use green on the soldier and red for the girl, since red reads more powerful or, in this picture, authorative, so it's an awesome contrast: a common girl with a stop sign has more power than a soldier sitting in a tank :D. Overall, I think you have here a great colour scheme, wouldn't change a thing if not emphasize with darker values or highlight what you most want to show.
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