T.M. Dusablon
T.M. Dusablon
Activity Feed
Here is my (level 2) one-point perspective room! My converging (depth / z-axis) lines are a little bit cluttered in this study as I was extending a lot of them all the way to the vanishing point - something which I will depend less on with more practice intuitively estimating the convergence rate of a given object (e.g. by using pre-existing lines to guide my decisions). I was inspired by @Thieum 's pool table. I added some (emphasised rather than subtle) line weight to convey depth in the scene and separate objects. Feedback welcome! :)
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T.M. Dusablon
Looks great, to me it looks like it is a solid one-point perspective. The lines extended to the point creates a very accurate visual. The darkened lines of the arcade machines and pool table the more important objects. Nice job-
Hi, here's my try
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T.M. Dusablon
Nice, very clear and concise. I feel like I am looking into an arcade room
T.M. Dusablon
Musketeer 1 and 2 tries. Reminds me of painting a room, lots of prep work before finally getting to paint the walls. I have to continue to learn a different mind set to get the lay-in correctly and to do this prep work as second nature. Practice, practice, practice....
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T.M. Dusablon
First perspective of Musketeer. Spent over an hour on proportions. I plan to do another after learning from others. Although challenging and consumes conscious effort, I am really happy to learn techniques for perspective. Focusing on lines I also find very beneficial in laying out the foundation of the drawing.
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T.M. Dusablon
Hi class, I really enjoyed the simple shapes form exercise. Drew many, still trying to improve my line quality. Here is simple animal head shapes and the Aaron Blaise simple body design.
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Asked for help
Hell lipses
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T.M. Dusablon
Great creativity with circles!
Réka Seres
Study of art made by Efrain Malo. It was difficult to ignore the shading. Critiques are welcome.
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T.M. Dusablon
You did a very nice job from a challenging, but wonderful artwork by Malo. Good use of varied line darkness and thickness, highlighting some of the facial features and contour of the head, and drawing my eye down following the darker contour lines of the beard.
Master Studies from Albrecht Durer.
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T.M. Dusablon
Great Master to study from, nice job focusing on specific elements of the original.
T.M. Dusablon
Post Demo Shapes- I really enjoy Stan's demo after trying it myself. This is my post demo, I like it more than my first tries. I also did a thumbnail in this attempt and felt more comfortable in seeing the shapes.
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Cheng-Yuan Wang
Hello everyone! This is my first attempt of the pear. In this assignment I specifically used 4 different pencils for different values to avoid pressing too hard on the paper, which I tend to do without noticing. When I finished the pear, I didn't know what to do with the shadow on the surface, so I left it blank. In retrospective, I should have made my dark shadow on the pear a bit lighter so I would have some room for the darkest shadow on the surface like so many of you did. That's definitely something I will try to do next time. I also found that my woodless graphite pencils is a bit darker than my wooden ones. I don't know if it's normal because they're very cheap. But this assignment does make me more familiar with the tools I have so I can make the best use of them.
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T.M. Dusablon
You really captured the 5 tones with the flat puzzle piece design the assignment requested, nice work. It does look like it is floating with out the ground shadow, but I would also love to grab a floating pear for a snack
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