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Very useful exercise!
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Magnus Marshall
My final piece along with some screenshots I took during the process (and my campaign for Skelly to get grills at the end). Had a lot of fun playing with gradient maps and masks towards the end. Also had some fun sorting all of the references onto one sheet, haha. I think this is definitely my strongest submission to one of these challenges and now I'm going to try not to imagine this floating above my bed as I sleep...
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Looks so 3D, amazing!
Tomek Kowalczuk
Hello folks! Here's my last-minute submission that I finished a few minutes ago :D This month, I decided to portray Skelly trick-or-treating with a bunch of kids. Hope you'll like the idea and the illustration overall. Good luck everyone! Have a spooky Halloween!
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Skelly’s Birds Cramped schedule, but I managed to finish this one :) Happy Halloween and lots of firecrackers 🧨
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Abel Flores
Hi! I'm new here, I'm just testing if the image is displaying correctly before I upload the final version. Any enhacements you may suggest?
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Make the light areas even lighter, increase contrast I’d say. (Fire and illuminated objects like the t-shirt) Hope that helps! Very interesting composition!
I look forward to learning more in the upcoming lessons! Here’s my attempt.
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Here is my submission for the November snowball fight. Enjoy!
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Fun! Lol the smiling scarf A tip: try placing the two kids in the front farther apart, the snowball throw looks great, but I think it could look even better the ninja is awesome haha
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Awesome idea
Hi! My epic snow battle. So I got stuck on the "epic" part. My brain just immediately went "castle siege!!!" ... ^^; It's all a bit ... conceptual. Would've totally added more figures and details, but the paper wasn't that large and I didn't want to overload the picture (or kill the paper, which is a bit fragile). There's some squiggly dark blobs on the castle wall to indicate figures, just fyi. I tried. ;) Schmincke watercolor on (allegedly) 100% cotton paper. The snow effect is PB29 vs critic acid, btw. :D Oh, and Copic white (and masking fluid, obviously). Just because. ;) This is my first time posting. Registered just a minute ago. Excited to check out everything. :D
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I love the feeling of this!
Aditya Banerjee
My entry for the November challenge. My interpretation of the topic isn't exactly a fight.. since it's a little one sided, but I wanted to capture epicness in the scale of the destruction. Just a dude raining snowballs xD
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