Proko Challenge Epic Snowball Fight - FINAL SUBMISSIONS HERE
November 2021 Proko Challenge judged by the Proko team is here! This thread is for posting your FINAL SUBMISSIONS ONLY.
Remember to upvote your favorites from other participants. We will have a community choice award :)
To post your works in progress, and get the challenge details, rules, and prizes go to:
This challenge is closed for new submissions. Now it’s time to VOTE! One of the prizes is a Community Choice, so it’s up to you to scroll through and UPVOTE your favorite submissions here on this page. You can upvote as many or as few as you’d like.
Voting will stay open until December 22nd at 11:59pm PST. All the winners will be announced on December 23rd. Good luck to everyone and thank you for all the amazing entries!
This challenge is closed! Congrats to all the winners! See reaction video and winners here - The Weather’s Cold, But This Art is HOT 🔥 The Proko Team Reacts
My entry for the November challenge.
My interpretation of the topic isn't exactly a fight.. since it's a little one sided, but I wanted to capture epicness in the scale of the destruction. Just a dude raining snowballs xD
Hello I’m ekow from Ghana this is my submission
ps(thought I needed to post it to the previous page and not this one)
Hello everyone.
Just a funny scene inspired by all those times people were afraid of you damaging something or hurting someone in a snowball fight.
Thank you and good luck to everybody.
Fun! Lol the smiling scarf
A tip: try placing the two kids in the front farther apart, the snowball throw looks great, but I think it could look even better
the ninja is awesome haha
Snownado of a Bygone Dreaded Personality
You'll grow to loathe my name
You'll hate me just the same
You won't need your breath
And soon you'll meet your death...
Piece Name: Snowball Siege
An Epic snowball fight between an abominable snowman and medieval castle guards.
Had a blast making this. Thanks Proko team for the very fun prompt.
I really like the idea here. It is a very epic scene.
What is better than a snowball for a snowman ?
Hell has officially frozen over…time for a snowball fight! Now snowballs really do have a chance in hell. Enjoy!
Hi! My epic snow battle.
So I got stuck on the "epic" part. My brain just immediately went "castle siege!!!" ... ^^;
It's all a bit ... conceptual. Would've totally added more figures and details, but the paper wasn't that large and I didn't want to overload the picture (or kill the paper, which is a bit fragile). There's some squiggly dark blobs on the castle wall to indicate figures, just fyi. I tried. ;)
Schmincke watercolor on (allegedly) 100% cotton paper. The snow effect is PB29 vs critic acid, btw. :D Oh, and Copic white (and masking fluid, obviously). Just because. ;)
This is my first time posting. Registered just a minute ago. Excited to check out everything. :D
The word epic immediately reminded me on superheroes. So I tried to imagine how would a superhero snowball fight look like and there we go! I wish I had a little more time to polish some parts a bit more, but a deadline is a deadline and I still sometimes have to sleep.) Looking forward to browsing submissions tomorrow;)
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I know I still struggle with colour, and after some frustration I thought it would be stronger as a black and white piece! Would love any feedback! Thank you!
You did a good job making the bully look overwhelming. It looks good in black and white.
I think the main issue is with the perspective. When I first looked at it it seemed like the foreground was a group of people sitting in a theater watching a movie, the two main characters were standing on a stage, and the background was projected on a movie screen behind them.
You totally didn't need colour, the piece looks awesome! :) And the b/w works great for the snow theme, anyway. :)
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I tried my best but still couldn't finish the piece. I wanted to share though, to get some feedback. Some kids beating up the uruk-hai in a snowball fight.
I love how you've got this central figure pointing at the "second star" in the back and ask these other details supporting the movement! I guess you just need to support your composition shading wise and that's it, no? Like e.g. make the uruk-hai overall dark and leave the rest light. (Sorry, that's all I can come up with rn, but awesome work in any case! :) )
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This is how I see the epic snowball fight.
I just started to think, it has been a long time since my previous snowball fight. The first snow of this winter was raining just today, so maybe I should go out now! 😄
I love the cartoony feeling and the composition here.
It really makes you feel that a lot is happening at the same time.
Loving the detailed landscape and "cross" composition. The snow fighting kids seem to be having a lot of fun. :) (The poor doggo, though, caught in the middle. ^^; )
I love their gestures and design.
They are all very expressive. They would be perfect characters for animation.