Sita Rabeling
Sita Rabeling
Sita Rabeling
Just some sketches of ideas, combining assignments. Am still working on perspective, tried to apply it here.
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Sita Rabeling
Maybe not exactly according to the assignment, but I loved this pose (the witch in the Coen brother’s version of MacBeth 🤩) so much that I tried to create boxes there - with the help of Skelly. - Inspired by the first image of ‘a group of figures’ by Luca Cambiaso from R.B. Hale’s book.
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Sita Rabeling
Today - while having a little break from practicing a lot with perspective 😅 - playing with the ginger assignment. A happy ginger with pepper hat (from a blob) and trying to get the cross contour lines right in the second image.
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Patrick Bosworth
Nice job! I you really captured the clenched lips. Thanks for posting your draw along glad you had fun! I got a lot out of how Josh approached the hair with straight lines and clumping them into big shapes. Something I need to practice! Studying from sculpture is really helpful! Here's my draw along from yesterday's stream. Keep up the good work! :D
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Sita Rabeling
Beautiful drawing of the David’s head! I still have to watch the rest of the streaming, but found all his tips very helpful until now. There’s still so much to work on. Thank you for posting your drawing, it’s a good example for me. Can’t wait to get better in all the basic techniques.
Sita Rabeling
Josh Black. From the YouTube Anatomy Demo where he starts with this head of a sculpture by Bernini. Josh simplifies it more, but I had a good time drawing along :)
Sita Rabeling
Kept myself busy. I'm not used to start live drawing this way - I can see that the gestures are far too weak (in image 2) - but I'm starting to see the simple forms better, so for now I'm happy with some progress.
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Sita Rabeling
Messing with the pose... Did that this morning along with great vid(s) for warm-ups and daily exercises. Thank you!
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Gannon Beck
My notes. One thing you mentioned in the lesson was that you don't like to curve your forms. I agree. I try to make my boxes boxes and cylinders cylinders. If one doesn't understand the simple forms, adding complexity won't make a drawing better. I used to attend figure drawing sessions locally at an art studio. One of the fellow artists that attended was a doctor by profession. He knew anatomy backwards and forwards. What he didn't know was how to represent three dimensional space via boxes and cylinders, and it showed in his drawings. I think one of the most misdiagnosed drawing problems is that when artists can't draw they figure, they think they have an anatomy problem, when more often than not, they really have a form problem. If form were easy, every doctor would be amazing at drawing the figure.
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Sita Rabeling
Wow, great examples! Thank you!
Sita Rabeling
This is not my drawing, but I got this from this vid: Basic shapes intersection drawing time lapse video I find this useful for more practice.
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Trying level 2 assignment. Any and all feedback would be very welcome :)
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Sita Rabeling
Looks great!
Sita Rabeling
Playing with 3 point perspective. Then I wanted to add a 3D sphere, but I don’t see how the curves go (yet). Will keep on studying this subject, it’s fun puzzling. This site is really helpful!
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Sita Rabeling
An attempt for level 2. Although it’s difficult; I love studying this subject. 👌
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Sita Rabeling
Level 1. The more I studied the images the more mistakes I saw in my drawings. So after a few trials this is the result for now. - I still haven’t developed x-ray vision, but hopefully more practice will help.
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Sita Rabeling
Because I find it difficult to see angles, the hidden lines, the correct directions, convergence etc. I ordered a little skull and made a plastic box around it (not perfect yet, but it fits) to see if this would help me. But of course, you have to hold this 3D box before a 2D picture and things change. Even more if you want to make a picture of it. But here's what I worked on 😅 And I discovered that I worked the opposite way; it helped me to draw a rough sketch (5-10min) first and then try to find the lines of the box. In a few examples I needed help from Stan's drawing. I haven't seen every video yet, so there may be some major mistakes in my post... Still have to actually draw the portraits.
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Art Stark
Mignola Master Study… a beginning.
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Sita Rabeling
👌 and love the quote of Steven Pressfield you added.
Sita Rabeling
It’s been a while, but I want to take it up again, even if it’s half an hour a day. (I see that the head in nr 4 is off.)
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Sita Rabeling
Due to the lack of time I just kept things adding to my library idea. A place where you can curl up with a book, watch a movie and can have a little something to eat. Graphite, then marker pen and at last corrections with procreate and putting people in here and there.
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Sita Rabeling
These warm-ups are a welcome distraction (from moving house😅). Turns out it’s very calming. No ruler used. Various pencils.
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Kevin Riedel
Hey Marshall, Stan, I watched out for the app from your studen, Marshall. Man it's AMAZING. I start now using it to practice! Thank you for the pointer. Man your student must geek (in the postive way) and I love it! Regards and big THANKS to him, Marshall. Kevin
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Sita Rabeling
Thank you!! Very useful 👌
Sita Rabeling
Same dog, Bandit as a pup. Now on very smooth paper. Graphite and gel-pen.
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