self taught hobbyist
haha, consider myself chastised. thanks Stan.
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The last little bit I'm interested in maybe hearing more about - I found doing my blobs that in order to get the boxes to actually work in perspective I'd always have to cut off a lot more of the blob than I expected initially - I guess my question is what degree is that an expectation (a blob and a box aren't 1-1, there's going to be some gaps on either side) vs. a miss (the blob exists, the box exists, but don't have enough to do with each other to be meaningful). Since it's a tool/exercise I'm sure the answer is 'it depends' on whether there's utility gained here, but... A broad way of thinking about it at least?
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Levels 1 and 2 - Challenging one, but I think this has helped me get boxes (a little, slowly) down way more. Definitely still getting tricked into doing weird weird things by the blob, if you follow it too closely, your box is way off. Feel like if anything for level two, there are just better blobs to start with in the first place - maybe that's just the proportions (way off there sorry, will work on it) not sure.
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Here's more level 2's - these are based on reference so I could get a better feel for proportion and whether I was making the "right" box
Had fun doing this, and I think it turned out pretty well. I probably should have eaten before I re-lined it, I kinda made everything more wobbly, but you can at least see what I was going for in some of the messy areas. I think the firetruck was probably harder than a tank. Oops. I do think, more relevantly, the cylinders are the weakest part. I get how to find the minor axis, but not the major, and not how those two things inform the initial ellipse. Will keep practicing, maybe do a tank for a little break XD
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Here's the tank! Maybe feel slightly more confident on the cylinders, but geez they're hard. Had more trouble with the boxes on this one, idk if that was because this was "more" three-point than the others, but parts (the turret box) were impossible to get right. My vertical axis just always seems slightly off. Hmm.
Ran out of steam on this one, so apologies I didn't go over it again to make things more visible. Still quite difficult, especially the ellipses, but - fun to see what you can come up with in a couple simple(ish) rules.
Thanks for the Cylinder and Ellipses tutorial. I realise the explanation is eyeballing ellipses and not precision. I've watched it several times, but miss the point how you established the Major Axis and it's offset from the centre. When I look at the completed drawing, I'm left uncertain of the Major Axis reference points, which when joined define the Major axis.
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yeah, I left unsure of this as well. I see that the major Axis is perpendicular to the minor, but that gives you a whole line to set it along - how do you decide the placement?
Here's a level 2 submission - flipping hand 3 around. Definitely the angles are a little off (especially index I think) and it's more boxy/cartoony overall than actual proportions, but - as far as the boxes go, I'd definitely love any critique you've got
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Far behind bc I've been moving - Here's level 1. I think hand 1 is quite a bit better than the other two, and I plan on practicing this a bit more - if anyone has suggestions/advice/critique, I'd be very grateful. Thanks!
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Numbers 1 & 2 - this is stuff I really need to work on quite a bit (among others) so I'll be taking it slow and working through these. For head #1, I was definitely doing the 'follow the contours of the head, not the box in perspective' thing. Tried to fix that for #2, but applying the perspective is dang confusing of course XD. Not sure I quite got it right, but my final correction (in blue) seems like it was getting there. Will be back tomorrow with at least two, if you have any recommendations I'd love them. Thanks!
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Day 2 - here's 3 & 4. I think again the proportions are pretty off (especially in #3). 4 is getting there, at least it looks like a face XD
Couple of poses - I think it was ~ 5 minutes for the first two, ~25 for the second. Unfortunately was fairly distracted, and also messy today. Still, had fun - really have enjoyed these prompts, and honestly would love if there was a daily/weekly prompt here all the time (no freebies/streams/prizes, that's fine!)
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Focused primarily on heads, went into too much detail, and definitely used the messy pencil, the combination of which made everything probably come out way way too messy. This is def one the main things I need to work on. Fun stuff though, I really liked this pack in particular
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Got out the brush pens - used to use these all the time but have dropped off significantly. Don't know why. Also tried to focus more on shape/shadow than defining all the forms. Probably overdid it on the green effect, but dang it when you get going on that it's really fun.
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Faces and Expressions gotta be among the things I'm least confident in overall - but, haven't really studied them much (wow, funny how that works).
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6 3-minuters, 1 6-minuter. Sorry they're a little light XD Beat them up.
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Something like 10 minutes for the initial page, 40 minutes for the main figure. Now this I'm much happier about than the last few - definitely some messiness I could work on/clean up. Hat tip to challenge cheerleader @alexgreenwood - the visual alignment I think definitely helped here, the pose is demonstrably better than the gesture one on the first page. I'll totally take any advice though, thanks so much! Had a ton of fun with this one.
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I don't know that this fully fits under the descriptor of 'anatomy study' so much as "I sketched and anatomy was involved" but I wasn't getting too deep into it today. The anatomy pack/lessons are definitely ones I'm very interested in though, we'll get there.
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Here's 30 minutes - Not terrible happy with it, but I struggle with full body poses. I know working on gestures will help, but anything else people would love to suggest I'm open to it! Thanks
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Here's a set! - all 10 minutes. Thanks for the challenge, I really really enjoy the new timer! Any critiques or pointers, totally welcome. I'm not super studied on hands, though I like how a couple of these came out well.
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Little bit of a bad submission - I didn't really have a good theme in mind, so it's just room of shapes. Also didn't clean up my lines too much bc I need to actually get back to work (<_<) Still, generally fun assignment. I think my horizontals/Verticals are better than my level 1 submission, but that that's still the hard part...
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Here's a go on my living room! Honestly more fun than it seems like it should be... my problem honestly was doing the horizontal/verticals more often it feels like - without the direct target of the vanishing point they seem more nebulous. Didn't get too detailed (and ignore the ceiling fan plz >_>) but any critique would be great!
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Thanks for this critique as always Stan - of course as usual it's post-assignment when the issues and challenges with the assignment become clear XD - I don't know if there'd be a way to show more "critique" in the initial lesson? It may not really help, I'm sure part of it is actually having done the work yourself first in order to understand the issues more. either way, thanks so much, great lesson.
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