Activity Feed
here is mine!, i just discovered this daily Christmas challenge and wish i had known sooner!
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Spent some time attempting to draw the f22 raptor.
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id say the attempt was successful i knew what it was right away!
First time drawing a pear would like some feed back on how I did
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You did a great job, the shadows and value separations are pretty dang good. It reads well. The cast shadow of the pear, might be a bit too uniform, but that’s a minor thing, excellent stuff.
Liz Ferraro
I went with the pear for this lesson, and I threw in an apple too for good measure. I enjoyed the practice, and I'll be doing more studies like this going forward. I have a lot to learn from simplifying the shapes and values. Thanks, Stan!
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Excellent work. You did great with the separation of values
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So interesting to see how everybodies brains express these values. Very nice work.
Well. I dunno. I did this face a few weeks ago. Based on his tips I feel I can see evidence of his suggestions showing up more in this one. A slight improvement! How did everybody find this lesson? Challenging? Fun? Easy?
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What are your thoughts on older materials, like some you have had sitting around for a long time. Do you find they will not be as good?
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Gabriel Cool
Getting back into the swing of things, went some time without drawing
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I hear ya! I went a while as well, but it feels good to be back and it looks like you feel the same!
Anna S
I consider myself a beginner, but I will try to do both levels. Here is my version of our guy... with my respect and apologies, if he ever sees it :)
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I see we both drew it small haha, great work on pushing the values
Looking forward to this!
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