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Anthony DeGennaro
added comment inAssignment - Melted Pancakes with Philip Dimitriadis - Part 2
Asked for help
Here is my assignment for this video, again it was a lot of fun creating a world like the last one. However some of the perspective seems off
Anthony DeGennaro
Asked for help
Love the course so far! I have your anatomy book, so I'm looking forward to learning all of this!
Asked for help
Here is my first page, I kinda got in the zone with the cross contours. I think it has tons of tangents, but that's mostly due to zero placement plans. This was a lot of fun! Thanks for the assessment!
Anthony DeGennaro
Here is a bit of the air plane, I struggled with proportion, it kept getting bigger as I drew it and added elements to the initial blob. The main part of the plane seems a bit thick on all of them. Overall I think I did a fairly decent job from imagination. Great lesson! Stuff like this is what I wanted out of the course. Thanks!
Anthony DeGennaro
Loved the first lesson! What kind of assignment would you recommend doing before the next class? Also, at what point in the gesture would you go into the straight lines? Thanks!
Anthony DeGennaro
This is not really related to the crit which was really helpful, but is there a lesson to go with the airplane model? I want to make sure Im not missing anything.
Anthony DeGennaro
Do the premium students get access to the extras or are they still behind the pay wall? Great app either way, looking forward to utilizing it!
Anthony DeGennaro
Here is my work on this. I struggle with perspective a lot and I was really hoping that this course would help me. I still am struggling with it all, I cant seem to draw a box correctly at all let alone rotate it. I have probably drawn thousands of boxes in an attempt to learn different aspects of it all. what do you suggest I do going forward? Thanks
So while this course is not there yet, it is important to mind your own feelings, if your personal goal and what would make you happy right now is to draw a box correctly, then I highly recommend watching some drawabox videos, maybe following the lessons there too. It's good to look at multiple sources and explanations for things either way, hearing teachers say it in different ways makes the image more complete
Example of drawabox tutorial:
I hope I'm allowed to share this here and it's not disrespectful 🙏
@Anthony DeGennaro
First of all, your boxes look good Wso far! One small adjustment I noticed is some inconsistency in determining which side of the box is closer and which is further away from you.
You can think about the three main directions in which the cube points, represented by its sides. For small objects like a dice or a toaster, we can simplify and assume the lines in the same direction are parallel. However, this isn’t entirely true—when dealing with larger objects, those lines will eventually converge at vanishing points.
To make the concept of these three directions more apparent, I came up with an overly detailed way to visualize it. Imagine a sphere inside the cube with three arrows extending in different directions. These arrows can act as guiding lines to help you draw parallel lines in the same direction.
That said, I wouldn’t recommend constructing a cube this way every time you draw. Once you get comfortable with thinking in these three directions, you’ll be able to eyeball it more confidently. Still, it might be helpful to color-code the sides of a cube once or twice to reinforce this mental exercise.
I know how frustrating it can feel to be stuck on a learning plateau and not see the progress you’re aiming for. Hopefully, this explanation was helpful in some way! Keep going—you’re on the right track!
Well, first of all Anthony, who said anything about drawing a box correctly, let alone rotating it? We have that coming up much later, and with great rigor.
This is about drawing a box, not correctly, but with some sense of dimension that you have achieved here; and in different, even random, positions, nothing like precise rotations.
This is play! I suggest you keep up the simple sculpting. If you're not learning what you hope to learn, you can design your own custom challenges, or just follow along here. We are headed there.
Anthony DeGennaro
Here is what I am working on, I chose to do a simple rectangle using the technique taught in the lesson. however I think Ive failed on every level. I dont understand what I have been doing wrong on these, its always been a struggle and I was really hoping that I would learn something in this course that would help me figure it out. I get the concept but for some reason I cant execute, and I have been drawing boxes for 5 years......
Asked for help
It kind of feels like this assignment came out too soon. You very briefly mentioned isometric perspective but I don't know the rules or angles to use.
I know the triangles are used but I don't know how. I see you stack them sometimes but the example is cut up so much I can't see what you are doing.
Not trying to be negative but this feels like I should go read about isometric perspective some where else before attempting this.
A demo on basic isometric cubes showing how to use the tools would help me alot.
I agree, I really thought that this course would have more demos in it. TBH I'm a bit disappointed with it so far, these little 10 min clips aren't really helping me sadly and I was excited for the course