Patrick Bosworth
Patrick Bosworth
Editor at Proko!
Vaughn Peterson
Hello there! I made a pre demo and a post demo attempt of the pear (I used a different photo for each), It was interesting seeing the difference watching the demo made. I think the post demo drawing was a lot more successful, though I could have simplified more. Would love to hear some feedback if you have any, thanks!
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Patrick Bosworth
Nice work! These look really good, the one after the demo almost looks like it's chiseled from stone, very cool shapes. You achieved a nice sense of form and wrapping with your values, and you picked up some great tips from the demo and I can see it implemented in your 2nd work! Moving forward try to even out each of your values, especially the dark shadow area of the cast shadow and core shadow. Right now the cast shadow is a little patchy which draws attention. Evening out that cast shadow will solidify the pear's connection on the surface and make it feel more grounded. Keep it up! Looking forward to seeing more of your work!
Johannes Schiehsl
I love cross contour.
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Patrick Bosworth
These are awesome, really nice job!
Mike See
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Patrick Bosworth
Really nice work! The blobs and creatures look fantastic! You could tighten up your cross contours on the ginger, the searching lines are a bit hairy so you could lock some of those down like you did in the other two. You have some really fantastic forms in your "Simple Blobs" exercise, and the creatures all look awesome. Nice handling of line weight, and form! Well done keep it up!
Julia Romazanova
My pear 😆 the paper I used was too thin so I couldn't do shading very well
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Patrick Bosworth
Nice job! Clean shapes, organized values, even shading! Your light shadow area could be a little darker to further separate it from your dark halftone and give more of a rounding effect to the shadow, but overall this looks great! Keep it up!
Jyayasi (*Ja-o-she*)
Had the most fun doing an assignment since the dynamic shapes and rhythms days! I tried to implement what we learned in the shapes section and hoping to get some criticism about my shapes, too along with the contour thing. I am getting a bit confused at the spots where the contours are overlapping or changing (like the one I have marked in the first image). I am trying to imagine that surface but while drawing the contour lines, it somehow feels wrong. Any tips for that?
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Patrick Bosworth
Great advice from Melanie! Overall, nice job, these are looking good! Really fun organic shapes, and your cross contours are wrapping nicely! That speedy turtle is ready to roll! As for the overlap confusion, you have all of your cross contours leading to the same pinch area which doesn’t give a hierarchy of importance to what’s happening. If you want to clarify the overlap try to more find “T” intersections rather than sending your lines to the same place. Hope this helps!
Zosya S
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Patrick Bosworth
Bawwww! Nice work!
Peter Tinkler
Here are my fist studies, which are charcoal on newsprint. I'm really loving these hand exercises, they're a lot of fun. The references are based on my own hand (one from a photo, and one from real life).
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Patrick Bosworth
Dude... These look fantastic! Nice work!
Art Stark
Shout out to @Patrick Bosworth ! Patrick’s Pentel Pocket Pen & Posca Paint Pen proposal has proven to be positively a practice in pure pleasure! #240528 Brush Pen maiden voyage.
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Patrick Bosworth
Profoundly pleased by your Pentel Pocket Pen and Posca procurement! Proko peeps are perpetually passionate about paving the path to perfecting penmanship. Prudent practice produces a parade of personal pride, promotes a playful yet precise process, and provides panoramic possibilities! POW!
Here’s my organic forms cross contour project.
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Patrick Bosworth
Nice work!
Here is my attempt for this super fun project before watching the demo. Tried to study a bit more reference photo for each animal and did some level 2 practices only for the roosters (will do for other animals too on the other day). And the demo is super useful! Here are my main takeaways: 1. always be confident to your shapes, I found my drawings especially for hippos cares too much about "likeliness", but shapes focus on simplicity yet capturing the main characteristics, and are never about "likeliness". 2. use several simple shapes to construct complex shapes 3. use line weights to make the shape design look better, e.g. the eye socket should be lighter to the eye itself. 4. use small thumbnails to give a preview on your shapes.
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Patrick Bosworth
Excellent sketches, and excellent takeaways! I love the roosters! For the next project be sure to rotate your images before uploading, and make sure to evenly light your work so we can see it in the best possible presentation. Keep up the good work!
For this assignment, I struggled with trying to match the proportions of the hat to the face. I tried to keep it simple while trying to challenge myself with certain features. With that, it lead me to have the hat a bit too big. I also had trouble with the eyes, the size, the placement and the shape. Had fun with this assignment, even while struggling with drawing daily! Any feedback would be great!
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Patrick Bosworth
Good work @somni3005! This is a really nice lay in! A few easy tweaks will get this ready for the next stages. Check your measurements on the top of the ear, relative to the corner of the eye. It's a bit high based on the tilt of the head, and should drop a little lower so the bottom is in line with the bottom of the nose in perspective. Really close with the internal features! I think the eyes might be a bit small, but I think if you tweak in the overall size of the head and hat they'll balance pretty well. I overlaid your drawing to the reference for you to check out. Hope this helps, keep it up!
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Patrick Bosworth
This is beautiful. Great work! Nice gestures too :)
Phu Le
My submission for the Cross Contour on Organic Forms exercise.
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Patrick Bosworth
Fantastic! Nice work drawing through with your cross contours on the lobster claws. Make sure to keep your cross contours elliptical to show the volume appropriately. Some of the draw through contours in the neck and body of your Seal look a little flattened on the hidden side. Love the hermit crab! Keep it up!
In these dayss i don't have enough time to pratice, but if i can i will add some other animal before the deadline.
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Patrick Bosworth
This ant is AWESOME!! Great work, love the shape design and simplification. Careful of the cross contours on the legs and antennae, they get a little flat toward the edges of the contour, make sure to WRAP cross contours most dramatically where the contour disappears to the other side. Keep it up!
2 attempts. I dunno 🤷‍♀️
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Patrick Bosworth
These look good! I like how you grouped the shadow shapes and cast shadow into one group in your first attempt, it looks solid and properly grounded to the surface. Your values are more even and consistent the first pear's shadows. Try to achieve an evenness in your other values like you did in those shadow shapes in the first pear. The scratchiness of the hatching in your second pear is a little hairy and chaotic, so it doesn't read as solidly as your first one. I think you also omitted the Dark Shadow value in both, I'm only counting 4 values in each. Take a look at the demo and critique Stan does for this project, and you'll knock the next one out of the park! Nice job with both, keep up the good work!!
Here is my try on this. I tried to focus on movement and the overall shape but i think it’s easy to get distracted but details, like making the face look nice. Had to remind myself that it’s not the point of this.   I feel lost when it comes to the guiding the eye thing.
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Patrick Bosworth
These are excellent! Nice balance of straights, and curves, wonderful personality to each. Great work!
Patrick Bosworth
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Patrick Bosworth
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Patrick Bosworth
Hey @matt barton! Nice start here! A few things to consider, the gesture is looking pretty stiff, the proportions could use some tweaking. First, gesture- Your character is stacked upright (almost right against your vertical head measurements) which makes him feel like he's standing up straight, balancing on a tight rope, or he's been caught and is surrendering. You can really push the centerline of the body into a fluid S curve for a more graceful flow to the body which sells an upward flying momentum. Same with the limbs, they're pretty straight and stiff, you can push more curve into the overall flow of the arms, and consider leaning on more asymmetric poses to add some more dynamics to your character. Proportionally the head is a little large for the chest/frame, and the legs and arms feel a little squat for "Heroic" proportions. Especially with the low angle you're viewing this character from you could lengthen the legs a bit to sell the idea that the figure is flying above the viewer. Take a look at "Heroic" proportions from Loomis and you can see the head stays relatively the same size, but the chest, hands, arms and legs are much bigger adding to the imposing presence. Another thing to consider is the overall storytelling of your pose/costume. The cape is a bit inactive, and the hands could tell more of a story. The open hands suggest a peaceful, welcoming character, but if this is a threatening or commanding character, you could use those hands to convey a sense of power and control over their surroundings. The cape is a dramatic element to include for a character and you can use that to also sell the idea of flight, power, and movement. I hope this helps! Keep up the good work! Looking forward to seeing this one cross the finish line!
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Eduardo Rubio
I made this one with a different photo because I saw Stan's demo and I couldn't resist using the same measures as his. I did the project, compared my lines with the photo in PS, and then moved some of them.
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Patrick Bosworth
Excellent work! Pulling that cheek rhythm slightly into the lips really pushed a lot of dimensionality and roundness into the face. Nice adjustments, great lay in!
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