Pamela Dowie
Pamela Dowie
United Kingdom
Graphic Designer
Pamela Dowie
Asked for help
Here are my paintings for this weeks assignment. I am very pleased with the orange, I made textures without over thinking while looking at the light mainly.
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Pamela Dowie
A mix of animals and a strange fish!
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Pamela Dowie
Asked for help
I enjoyed using these photos and now that I am seeing the different types of light it is making the colour picking choices easier.
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Pamela Dowie
This was fun and relaxing at the same time. I saw the small dog next to the monkey first, then the group gradually appeared.
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Pamela Dowie
Hi David thank you for all the great lessons and this assignment. I made two versions one with Thor facing forward and the other looking back at Bruce Banner. Haven't decided on my favourite right. yet :)
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Pamela Dowie
Asked for help
Here is my week two assignment. I found the glass sphere the easiest to do. Not what I expected at all!
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Pamela Dowie
Found sometime for Dobby! ;)
Pamela Dowie
Hi David here is this weeks assignment using Procreate without the colour picker and a different brush to what you had suggested if thats ok.
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Pamela Dowie
Here is another of the assignments images and this time I used the turpentine brush
Carlos Javier Roo Soto
I don't know how many times now I had posted about this subject. Do you think my structure is good enough to move on to features or should I practice keep practicing the loomis method?
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Pamela Dowie
Your structure is really good, and I do both now as I am only just starting to think in 3d. Once the form is right the features almost appear, like your last two I can clearly see their faces in the forms.
Pamela Dowie
I made some simple box heads first and then became overly ambitious trying to create the Hulk running. I did enjoy the project though.
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Steven Wolf
Stan, when you said that this is the half way point of the course, that made me very happy, that there is going to be that much more of it. It’s been so great, and so helpful, so far. This course has been such a great investment! There were so many helpful concepts, so far, that I never fully picked up or understood from other courses, and or art lessons. Things that make everything else, that teaches concepts for line drawing, easier to manage. In that way, this course also adds value to all those other courses, for me. I just wish I would have had this course earlier because it would have saved me so much grief, and struggle. I really appreciate the thought and detail that you put into your lessons, Stan. Art teachers often explain things in ambiguous ways that leave me uncertain. But it’s clear to me that you really take the time to figure out how to explain things in the clearest way possible, and I just wanted to say how much I appreciate it. I am feeling really excited about drawing, and my art goals are feeling more attainable. I can not speak highly enough about this course! It’s already a 10 out of 10 and it’s only half way through! I absolutely love this course! Thanks for helping fill in the gaps of my drawing knowledge. Sorry it won't seem to let me post without hitting Request Critique. LOL
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Pamela Dowie
I thought the same and I am pleased that there is more to learn.
Pamela Dowie
This is my view from below and I will add the the side later today. I was working on this one for ages. Hopefully the next ones will be quicker now I am beginning to grasp thinking in perspective.
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Pamela Dowie
This is the inspiration photo...
Pamela Dowie
Great lesson and good seeing you both together again!
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Pamela Dowie
Here is my level one assignment. I found the Y trick helped me a lot on this exercise, although I need to do more as I am still painfully slow. Actually made an assignment date for a change!
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Pamela Dowie
Thank you Patrick I was so pleased to make it and getting more comfortable with the 3D forms.
Did manipulations such as bending, rounding and twisting of the boxes in order to increase the difficulty and allow me to add better gesture. There where occasions where I could see the left side of a finger segment and at the other end the right side, so I added twisting. I know fingers don't twist unless an external force is applied but I did end up liking how the twisting does add more energy to the fingers.
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Pamela Dowie
Pamela Dowie
I like your drawing a lot, although I would add some more white highlight areas maybe on the tank. The sky should be lighter than the ground I think too.
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Scott Diesing
Practiced head/neck/shoulders like crazy. Then did ten or so torsos. Then found out I don't have room for legs and arms. :) Need to buy some large paper.
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Pamela Dowie
i did that too :))
Pamela Dowie
I am getting to understand how to do this, and will do more of course. I didn't want to miss the deadline and will try to add a few more today when I finish work.
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Pamela Dowie
another one I did today
Martijn Punt
This exercise was very challenging and fun. The drawings attached were done in a couple of sessions using A4 paper and a 2B pencil. My goals were to try and use the overhand grip as much as possible, to get reasonable proportions and to find connections. Some of the drawings were quicker than others, but in general i tried to get the main lines in under 5 minutes. The good: - Proportions are not too bad, only in the 2nd attempt of pose #10 i measured in more detail because the first attempt i went over the paper. - I tried to find connections and flow between body parts in some cases, i left in lines connecting them to show my thinking process. The bad: - I'm not happy with the line quality, obviously need to work on that. - The gesture could be more exaggerated, for example pose #7, attempt #4 i could have him leaning back more, and the right leg should be bent more (i had the most trouble with this pose).
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Pamela Dowie
lovely work Martijn and very inspiring!
Pamela Dowie
Here is my assignment - just four for now and will do some more later.
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Pamela Dowie
pushing the gesture a little more...
Pamela Dowie
I have continued with the assignment using some other animal heads. I like the direction I am going but still need to keep on this assignment. I am enjoying it more now that I am beginning to see the simple shapes and not just the outline of the head before I draw.
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Pamela Dowie
Finally had time to come back to finish the Bush Baby variations
Pamela Dowie
My variations on the seal head in digital and from my sketchbook
Pamela Dowie
I made some variations on the giraffe in my sketchbook and in digital. Do some more soon.
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