Maurizio Leo
Maurizio Leo
Albuquerque, NM
Bread baker, author, photographer, wanna be artist.
Maurizio Leo
Oof. I really struggled with these. It's hard for me to "let go" and just sketch. Lack of confidence in my lines, no doubt.
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Maurizio Leo
My before-demo skull, after-demo camel (I really struggled with this one for some reason), and a little fun after watching Dune 2 (gosh, the spaceships are stunning...). I'm still trying to practice the confidence of my marks, which are still lacking a bit. I did a much better time this time with the skull, sketching out larger shapes then going in for contour.
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Gannon Beck
137th Day of Proko and counting. 30 second and two minute drawings.
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Maurizio Leo
These are so fantastic. I hope to capture such movement with sketching at some point!
Josh Archer
After demo attempts. Holy cow laces are no joke! Need to practice those. I found announcing "S CURVE!" or "C CURVE!" out loud to the ether while alone in my workshop helped me focus.
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Maurizio Leo
Rly nice work mate
Maurizio Leo
Boots were done first, then first snail, and then second snail (with the pencil). The second snail was done after watching Stan's demo and I realize how important it is to *simplify* first. His advice of creating a "container" really, really helped with this. Though, I'm not sure if it's better or worse than my first go :) I did the boots without laying in rough shapes, not sure why I didn't realize to do this at the get-go. Struggling with the lay-in, TBH. I don't have a good sense of scale and perspective just yet, and my confident strokes aren't there yet. Overall, okay with these, though. Will do another pass before moving on to the 2 week challenge.M
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Maurizio Leo
Very eye-opening exercise! I'll be staying here for a few more attempts to get the feel of this, especially after watching the demo. I'm definitely struggling with holding the pencil and focusing on moving my arm instead of my wrist. Additionally, I need practice with my values. Now I wanna eat a pear.
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