maciek szczech
maciek szczech
Wald ZH, Schweiz
maciek szczech
I would just add to that what Patrick Bosworth said, and this is just from my perspective: do not over-intellectualise or over-think the process. Just take a pencil and a piece of a paper and draw what you see. If you stick to drawing you will find that you improve over time. Impatience and being hard on yourself will only lead you to frustration, depression and who knows what else, and you will miss opportunities to draw. There is also no point in negatively comparing how you draw with other artists or masters as this will also lead to what I've said above. It is your journey and your journey alone. If you want to compare, then compare how you draw now with how you drew in the past. Last but not least: paper and pencil can be a great advantage over expensive electronic tools. I look forward to seeing how you draw and improve.
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maciek szczech
#240613 Continue slow practice / study drawings. A4 size (Winsor&Newton, 60 lbs/130 gsm, smooth satine) sketchbook block. HB mechanical pencil. After ref. photographs found in Google.
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Patrick Bosworth
Sketchy ginger dudes! This was a fun little puzzle, I kept my starting gestures/blobs pretty close to some poses I was familiar with but I played with the proportions more in the blob phase, and started to explore different ways to exaggerate the shapes and contrast character types. I think I could have kept them a little more abstract, and root-based, but I found this exercise very freeing!
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maciek szczech
Art Stark
#240610 Playing with ink. Drawing what I 'want' to draw, and not what I think I 'can' draw.
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maciek szczech
That's a great glimpse into your sketchbook. Thanks for posting.
Art Stark
Asked for help
240611 Silhouettes
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maciek szczech
I like their anatomy!
maciek szczech
#240609 Practice / study drawings. A4 size (Winsor&Newton, 60 lbs/130 gsm, smooth satine) sketchbook block. The other side of a paper. HB mechanical pencil. After ref. photographs found in Google.
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maciek szczech
Hi @cchapman3 you are doing well. I would just draw the model pelvis angled the other way. On her left side between the pelvis and the ribcage there is "stretch" and on her right side there is "compression".
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maciek szczech
#240607 Practice / study drawings. A4 size (Winsor&Newton, 60 lbs/130 gsm, smooth satine) sketchbook block. HB mechanical pencil. After ref. photographs found in Google.
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Gannon Beck
177th Day of Proko and counting. Five minute sketches.
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maciek szczech
Love these. Block shading gives a depth when looking from a distance. I am only sketching in the evening or late at night, have to try this in the morning.
Gannon Beck
I went to the zoo again this morning to do more sketching. I'll post this one for now, but will do a bigger post later when I get back to my scanner.
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maciek szczech
Great sketches!
Marco Sordi
2024/6/4. Good afternoon everybody. Here's my latest work, a master study again. This time a tried to draw a detail from "Giuditta Beheading Holofernes" by Caravaggio. It's my first work totally realized by pastel pencils (Stabilo Carbothello and Rembrandt on Pastelmat paper). The wrinkles on the face of the old servant Abra, intent on holding the cloth in which Holofernes' head will be preserved, are excessively hard but the gradations and nuances are acceptable, considering the instability of the pastels. It is my first attempt to create a work with this type of media but I must say that I am moderately satisfied. Thank you for your comments or critiques.
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maciek szczech
Beautiful. Next step would be perhaps to study the whole Caravaggio painting.. Looking forward to see more from you.
maciek szczech
#240605 Practice / study drawings. A4 size (Winsor&Newton, 60 lbs/130 gsm, smooth satine) sketchbook block. HB mechanical pencil. After ref. photographs found in Google. It's kind of combination of gesture and mannequisation. Sketching these I have not done exact, just approximate eye, measurements and overall feeling of both similar poses. Drawing paper has specific texture which influence how lines can be drawn, hence very small sketches are looking rather not good..
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Gannon Beck
173rd Day of Proko and counting. Thirty second and two minute drawings.
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maciek szczech
The last page!
maciek szczech
#240603 Practice / study drawings. A5 size (Alpha-Edition) sketchbook. HB mechanical pencil. After a photograph.
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Patrick Bosworth
Lobstah and gingah!
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maciek szczech
maciek szczech
#240528 Practice / study drawings. Small A5 size sketchbook. HB mechanical pencil. Refs. from Proko lessons - Pelvis and Pear and beautiful digital drawings of Proko user/artist Maria J Vargas-Spada.
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maciek szczech
*) Maria J Venegas-Spadafora
maciek szczech
#240601 Practice / study drawings. Small A5 size sketchbook. HB mechanical pencil. Refs. after Michael Hampton and after @ art_by_catarina found accidentally on Inst. platform..
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scott ford
Hey Maciek love the sketchbook , I feel I am a bit more disorganized than this but I love your concept above
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maciek szczech
Hi Scott, thank you. Just use as much of the available paper space as possible.
Art Stark
#240523 Messing around / study drawings. Odd Ends sketchbook. HB Koh-I-Noor lead holder. Some anatomical references and a wandering mind. Hope you don't mind me joining in, but this sketchbook thread looked like fun.
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maciek szczech
Great that you joined Art Stark. I didn't articulate it, but the idea behind it is that it's a general thread about sketchbooks. I think seeing someone's sketchbook is always a good reason to study/ learn something or appreciate that someone is keen to practice this rather "niche" drawing thing. I like the way how you change the subjects and the no straight lines approach. Looking forward to seeing more!
Nauhyam ST OMER
Hi. My name is Nauhyam. I've beem drawing for two years now ans I have improved a lot. Advice would be appreaciated
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maciek szczech
Thank you for participating. You are doing well. It's not necessarily a quick process and in a month, a year or a couple of years you'll see again how much you've improved. My only advice is to keep practising!
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