Daily Sketching From Life Challenge
Gannon Beck
I want to draw from life more than I have been. This thread is my attempt to jump-start the habit of daily life sketching. If anyone wants to join in, feel free. The only rule is that you have to draw (or paint) the world around you without using photo reference.
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Gannon Beck
I want to start working watercolor sketching into these daily sketches. Part of the challenge is making sure I can get into it quickly. I bought some pens that have refillable water cartridges and I think that's going to help. Anything that requires a lot of setup and breakdown won't get done often.
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Gannon Beck
Phone on my desk.
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Art Stark
I'm mystified. Really solid work without looking 'blocky' or like a perspective study. The shadows really give weight.
Gannon Beck
Sketch of my daughter.
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maciek szczech
Nice one! Good idea with the thread. I am going to join sometime sketching perhaps family and our dog and cats or something else.
Siv Nilsen
Quicksketch with a cat today
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Art Stark
LOL… good job sketching a moving target!
Gannon Beck
Adorable sketches!
Gannon Beck
Quick study tonight.
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Siv Nilsen
Thought I’d challenge myself by drawing something quickly whilst standing up so that maybe I wouldn’t spend so much time on details. Tried to focus more on structures…
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Art Stark
The first day I found myself going down the rabbit hole of 'measuring.' The next day I realized I had no idea where the eye line was — or the vanishing points. The third day I just couldn't face it. The fourth day I forgot which sketchbook it was in. Today I figured I'd just better finish it! Thanks for your patience.
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maciek szczech
Well done! I think, just from my point of view, that it would help to concentrate on the main shapes first and do a few such studies a few times until you decide to move on to the details. It may not look like it when you look at my drawings, but I always start from the main to the details...
Gannon Beck
Nice! I'm glad you've joined the party here. Get that habit going!
Gannon Beck
Drawing of a bottle.
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Art Stark
I would not have had a clue about the reflections. Great job. I've got to get in on this thread as soon as ……… ooh! phone ringing.
Gannon Beck
Another sketch of my dog tonight.
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Gannon Beck
Another still life. I find myself drawing whatever is front of me when I have the time.
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Art Stark
Looks really solid!
Gannon Beck
Last one in the office tonight.
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Gannon Beck
My sleepy dog.
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Siv Nilsen
My not-so-daily contribution…
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Art Stark
Nice job! And more daily than me so far. :P
Gannon Beck
Looks good! Very nice line quality.
Gannon Beck
Sketch from today. I like the line quality on this one better than the previous ones. We'll see if it was a fluke, or if it's something I can do on the regular.
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I really like this one. It does great job of capturing a small, intimate moment.
Gannon Beck
Another sketch today. I didn't get the likeness close at all with this. I might have to brush up on some portrait skills, too. This art thing is a can of worms.
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Joseph Osley
A can of worms indeed. It simply never stops.
Devon D. Yeider
Great idea!
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Gannon Beck
Sketch done at the end of the workday. This is a sketch of my officemate. I like the way these look better when I have access to my scanner, but if all I have it my phone, it will have to do.
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Joseph Osley
I immediately see in these how all of your perspective work gives you such an important tool to solve these visual problems.
Siv Nilsen
I’ve also been thinking I should draw more in my sketchbook, and not only the lesson assignments… So I brought my sketchbook with me for a walk yesterday.
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Gannon Beck
Very nice, Siv. And welcome to the party!
Gannon Beck
Here is my first submission to the thread:
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Joseph Osley
The arm and leg foreshortening is *chef's kiss.* Wonderful image.
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