Anthony Huynh
Aspiring to become an illustrator of the Anime style
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Anthony Huynh
added comment inProject - Learning to Sketch from Imagination
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I tried doing a whale, not any specific type but just focusing on the features that I really liked (like that big ol' chin/belly). Just did a bunch of sketches from different angles and trying out multiple ideas that I thought might be good, like multiple fins with different shapes, or trying to get that spikey bearded dragon look on the chin (but I didn't really like the idea, so I scrapped it). I ended up settling on a droopy looking whale with big and glorious stag horns, and some killer whale spots around the eye. Experimenting was definitely quite fun even if it didn't necessarily match-up entirely with what I thought of in the beginning.
These are really fun ideas, and you pulled from great inspirations! If you want to keep pushing it, I think a fun place to hone on would be the size relationships, especially with the massive chin/belly and horns vs everything else. Even just making other areas as tiny as possible, like the tail, fins, and head/eye area could really change how the belly is perceived. There's a lot of room for experimentation too just on the principle of size: large vs small horns, long vs short tail, big vs small eyes, and so forth. I'd love to see what you can come up with, it's definitely a fun challenge! :)
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This was a fun one, I really liked how the hand turned out
Anthony Huynh
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My attempts at the level 1 and 2 photos. Definitely struggled with simplifying the boots but gradually tried to think more about simplifying the others. Still struggling a bit with making more confident lines, lots of trouble just trying to get the line that I want.
Love the boots it looks so clean and professional to me! Good job simplifying the others, maybe a bit too many details on the camel, but still looks good overall.
Anthony Huynh
Here's my post-demo pear, I think I really should've made the light half-tone, a bit darker, it's even harder to see on camera than on paper.
Anthony Huynh
Asked for help
Learned a lot from doing my first assignment, but I found it really challenging to keep to the 5 values just because I was using the one HB pencil and I'm not that used to drawing with pencil generally. This exercise in simplification got me thinking about how to apply it more broadly to drawing in general so I think it's going to be really useful. Anyway, onwards, to the next video!