Luke Ng
Luke Ng
Aspiring animator and storyboard artist
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Luke Ng
These are very well done!!
Ewerton Lima
Did some traditional ones, after mostly using Procreate for a long while. The last ones are from imagination.
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Luke Ng
Awesome work!
Luke Ng
2nd batch after seeing Stan's demo. Any feedback is appreciated
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Luke Ng
My Level 2 submission. Maybe I was doing it wrong, but did anyone else feel like this was very similar to the measuring portrait proportions assignment?
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Luke Ng
Level 1 Assignment. Much harder than I anticipated, I struggled with the proportions of some of these. All critiques are welcome!
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Luke Ng
Here's my second attempt after watching the Demos. It's a skatepark I struggled alot with this one because I started frawing the furthest objects first and projected them away fram the vanishing point. This made it much harder to make all my lines converge to the vanishing point. I ended up using a ruler to make guides for my converging lines. All critiques are welcome!
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Luke Ng
Here's my submission for the level 2 project. How did everyone manage to make sure that their lines were perpendicular? I kept having to use a triangle ruler to check and correct my mistakes. All feedback is welcome!
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Had some trouble with form intersections in another drawing so I thought I'd practice that as part of the review of one point perspective.
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Luke Ng
Very Cool!
Luke Ng
Here's my submission. It's of a bedroom interior with an impractical sink
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first one is weighted lines to convey shapes, and second one is to convey light and shadow! let me know what you think. one critique i have of myself is that they are too similar, the shadow one is not 'shadowy' enough'? thanks!
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Luke Ng
Great work! I like your line they have so much energy to them. For the first one, I struggled as well trying to decide what was important and what wasn't. For me, I decided that the head was important so I gave it a heavy outline all around to make it stand out and lighter lines for what I thought wasn't as important. Hope that helps. I'm not sure what you mean by "noy shadowy enough", but I feel like the light source isn't clear enough on the second image. For example, if I assume the light source is coming from the bottom left of the page the front legs have thin lines to convey light, but the lips do not. Making it hard to tell where the light is coming from. But you're able to show contrast in your line weights which is a very good skill to have.
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