Leon ter Molen
Leon ter Molen
Schiedam, The Netherlands
Draftsman and painter of people.
Activity Feed
Leon ter Molen
Will there be a course about the muscles of the face?
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Leon ter Molen
Viktor Kalvachev, Nicolas Uribe, Carter Goodrich, Mehdi Farsi, Peter de Seve, Andrea Blasich, Ahmed Aldoori and more :)
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Roberto C
Howdy, been playing around with charcoal in Procreate. I'm trying to do one every day. Would love to know what you think.
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Leon ter Molen
wow!! Stunning!!
Leon ter Molen
October 15: Baby Monster (Sorry, couldn't help myself. Don't ban me please ;) )
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Bryan Wiggins
Belphegor, Prince of Sloth! Ink and Crow Quill on Bristol Board, with some screentone digitally added.
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Leon ter Molen
Leon ter Molen
Hi @Natali Santini, Great study!! One point of critique for me is that it seems that you kept the background pure white. Maybe making it as dark as in the orginal will make the face "pop" more. Or if you want to keep it light, perhaps use a light variation(s) of grey, being careful not to make it the same grey as the face. Loving the edges as well! -Leon
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Leon ter Molen
Cool exercise and lovely drawings! I wish I could take my glasses off and draw as good as you, but i wouldn't be able to see the screen and paper any more ;P More focus on the overall shapes is an exercise I could use as well. Squinting with my eyes usually does the trick for me.
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Leon ter Molen
Great!! Love the dynamic lines!
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Account deleted
These are really good! Love the expressions you’ve captured.
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Leon ter Molen
Love them as well!
Leon ter Molen
Hi @sparrowsky , I searched on Youtube for a bit by looking for "stop gradient banding in Photoshop". ( so not Krita or Adobe Fresco, I am not familiar with those, but I had the same problem in Photosop once.) Some tips that were given are to check whether or not the "dither" checkbox is turned on when the gradient tool is selected. And also check if you are working a in a 16 bit file. I don't know if these are options you can manage in Krita of Adobe Fresco, but perhaps worth a shot. Let me know! -Leon
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