Activity Feed
Julia Arrighi
added comment inDemo - Simplify Pear from Observation
Hello everybody.
I drew it without the demo and made some small additions after watching it.
What felt good:
- I feel comfortable with the lay-in (straight lines make it much easier indeed)
What I want to improve:
- I went straight to 6B for shadow values and made shadows too dark too early
- Doing shading in stages would have given me more control
- Contour lines should be the same value as the shaded area
- I used only 2B and 6B
- I need so much more shading practice
Asked for help
These are really good learning examples. I'm surprised by the cast shadow of the third photo. Did you hold the light source very closely and almost parallel to the egg?
Roy Nottage
Asked for help
Hey guys! Got some pancakes. I spent about 1.5 hrs on first two (myself, then friend), then limited myself to 1 hour on the last (my son). Felt like I learnt a lot on each - and I did get quicker. I think improving my pace to some degree, is definitely something I'd like to develop over this course. I stuck to just using my hands/fingers for these - which felt incredibly tricky for the eyes/lids.
These look great! Did you “carve” and “push” into the clay to make the facial features rather than adding little bits on top? The order is very interesting, I feel that your friend and son look very similar to the reference; also a good likeness for yourself, but I feel your forehead is longer and the nose more straight. The hair on your friend is very detailed and creates a great effect.
Scott Camazine
Asked for help
This looks great; very detailed. The hairline at the back could be a bit higher up? How long did it take you to make it?
Ray Manning
Asked for help
Hi Ray,
I'm curious in which order you made them?
There is a simplicity about them that makes them appear very lively / realistic (especially the man with the glasses creating a 3D effect and the cheeks and neck of the woman on the right).
The woman to the left has great hair; I'm wondering if the nose should be a bit longer (haven't seen the reference of course).
Julia Arrighi
Asked for help
Hi fellow students,
What could be improved to achieve more likeness?
I'm looking forward to your feedback.
Best wishes,
Hey Julia! These feel like they've got nice character to them. I do agree with Scott's remarks regarding eyes and chin. I think the one based on the selfie photo is my fave of the 3. Which order did you do yours, out of interest?
Hi Folks. I have been looking at bas relief portraits on Pinterest to see what kind of techniques are used to get good likenesses and to develop some of the structures that I think we are all struggling with. The eyes, for example, are difficult in profile and it’s easy to put them in the wrong place or to make them too frontal (rather than in profile). I think the eyes of both the women Julia made should be closer to the bridge of the nose. Also take a look at the chin of the black woman. I think it should be more angular. I do like the way you worked the hair on all of the pieces. I would enjoy some instruction from Andrew on doing bas relief sculptures. It may be another instructive way to transition from 2D to 3D work. Finally, here are a few bas reliefs I found on Pinterest, that may be helpful to examine