Johannes Schiehsl
Johannes Schiehsl
Vienna, Austria
Stan calls me Haynes.
Vue Thao
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Johannes Schiehsl
Very nice flow Vue!
Johannes Schiehsl
I love cross contour.
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Johannes Schiehsl
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Johannes Schiehsl
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Johannes Schiehsl
Box torsos from imagination and from references.
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Johannes Schiehsl
@Stan Prokopenko Thanks for the critique - have you realized yet that the next lesson of this course will be N°100 and will there be cake?
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Mon Barker
Level 1 - old race car ‘inspired by’ Maserati 250F. Level 2 - a made up tracked vehicle that puts out fires instead of starting them (echoing @Johannes Schiehsl re tanks!) inspired by Antarctic tracked vehicle.
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Johannes Schiehsl
Looks amazing Mon!
Johannes Schiehsl
Excuse me Mr. Teacher .. didn't you tell us to make it in 3 point perspective? Also ... why do I feel like the proportions of your boxes are a bit ... wonky? ^^
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Trying another one, more ambitious, with cylinders going along every axis. One thing I struggled with is how to join the chimney cylinders to the engine cylinder - could someone please help? Also, I feel like the perspective is too drastic and it makes the whole thing distorted. Should I have put the vanishing points further away?
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Johannes Schiehsl
For Form Intersection there is a neat website where you can study:
Johannes Schiehsl
Choo choo!
Johannes Schiehsl
i love trucks - i constructed a generic semi with saddle. I don't love tanks too much tho. They are way too present these days for my taste. May they all rust in peace soon.
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Johannes Schiehsl
If you are like me and the major axis gives you major headaches: don't worry. Scott Robertson in his book describes how the minor axis is key to place the ellipse successfully in perspective. Nevertheless: I made a little animation to make it easier to observe what is happening with the major axis. You can watch it here:
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Johannes Schiehsl
Here is an animated illustration I did for my animation students about 1 to 5 point perspective. I also explain to them that these are tools to create the illusion of 3d space on a flat surface like a piece of paper, a screen or a cinema canvas. PS: Marshall is a gem. I am so looking forward to his course.
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Johannes Schiehsl
Hand assignments. I felt pretty confident while making level 1 but during level 2 - not so much. I tried solving it from imagination, then take photos or pose a hand in a 3d software and self correct. But the pose 2 hand still looks like it ended up in a blender. Some advice would come in handy.
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Johannes Schiehsl
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Johannes Schiehsl
One, Two, Three, Four, Five ...
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Johannes Schiehsl
Inspired by the animation that @Fabian Ayala did for the 1-point perspective I animated transformations from 1 to 5 point perspective. It was fun but challenging. Looking forward to your thoughts. (you need to open the original to play the GIF) Higher quality here:
Here's a burning question: Does simply practicing more boxes help you draw them accurately enough? (Like Stan said, I understand we're not aiming for 100% accuracy in free-hand drawing) What if you keep drawing them wrong? I feel like making the same mistakes over and over again won’t lead to improvement. You have to fix your boxes afterwards. For example, vanishing points can't be randomly placed. The horizon line should be perpendicular to the Y axis (Marshall talks about this in the Draftsmen episode on perspective). But the problem is, it’s time-consuming to find those far-off vanishing points to ensure they’re positioned correctly. I feel like it’s unproductive to be correcting every box you draw this way (like the attached photo). Then again, you can’t improve without knowing what’s wrong, right? So how do you practice more efficiently? Anyone with some advice, please help. I'm tired of drawing ugly boxes and spending hours correcting them look convincing.
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Johannes Schiehsl
Here is a suggestion: Draw the cube in various angles and then overlay them with Cubes you did in 3d software like Blender. Overlaying will show you were you tend to go wrong. You can also use online-tools like this one to practice:
Johannes Schiehsl
Warumup, Form Intersections, and some intersection studies using the super nice tool
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Johannes Schiehsl
Ackchyually ... true isometric means that all axes are separated by exactly 120° And, yes. that is Y I have no friends.
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Johannes Schiehsl
Just starting with the course of @Michael Hampton and I am super hyped. But I started to notice that some videos seem to be out of order (Exercises/Assignments) and Part5-Landmarks plays Part 4 again? Maybe sb from the Proko-Team can assist?
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Here's my first follow along attempt of Minecraft -Steve. Thanks again
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Johannes Schiehsl
Hey Dermot - I noticed that a lot of your edges are not converging in the vanishing points - you may want to check.
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