Dalton Andrade
Dalton Andrade
Dalton Andrade
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I feel good about completing level 2 decently ! At first I was gonna stop with the pear
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Dalton Andrade
Nice job! It happen the same thing with me at first but we need to be resilient and keep trying. ;)
Dalton Andrade
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Dalton Andrade
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Dalton Andrade
Hi guys, this was my attempt to create this apple.
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Dalton Andrade
Thanks Stan! S2
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Great exercise. Found it difficult to control the pressure to get the ellipses darker where I wanted them to be, so will definitely put this into my practise routine. Thanks Proko!
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Dalton Andrade
I loved the colors that you used and the shapes are great. Nice job! :)
Dalton Andrade
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Dalton Andrade
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