Blake Pawlikowski
Blake Pawlikowski
Blake Pawlikowski
Here's my drawing of Morgan. I followed the demo, but focused more on the reference this time. I also paused the video often, especially in the initial layin and made sure I was happy with the placement of everything before I started designing shadow shapes. The tell tale sign for me that this was a better approach was that I didn't have the same issue with the forehead that Stan ran into. I did correct the little protruding brow on the left eye as it was pushing out too far and I also reshaped the chin slightly. I also discovered that taking a photo of my drawings helps me spot things I need to fix. Similar to stepping back to see a drawing from a distance. I've really enjoyed this course and I'm sure I will reference these lessons as I continue to work on drawing portraits!
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Blake Pawlikowski
Wasn't sure the best place to post this, so dropping it here. Wanted to do another portrait on my own before doing the last assignment in this course. Per usual, being a day or two after drawing this, there's a list of things to work on that are very clear to me, however, I spent more time on the layin making sure proportions were correct and did some additional measuring. It's not quite as accurate as I'd like, but there's improvement (if only in the intention and time doing that initial drawing!). Open to feedback if anyone has comments for me! Always interesting to see if flaws I'm aware of are what others notice. Thanks!
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First Attempt, using HB 2B 4B, homemade stump and eraser. Had to change the nose near the end when I realized it was too short, changed the forehead at the end with Stan. I can see the mouth is a little off and will go back into it.
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Blake Pawlikowski
Very nicely done! The mouth is also off in my drawing, however I think you have it much closer than I do. Thanks for sharing your work, it's impressive!
Blake Pawlikowski
Here's my result after following the demo. Still some things I'm certainly aware of I need to work on, but open to feedback! I would say I felt confident going into this based on the foundation I've improved on throughout the course. My biggest personal critiques on this include needing to spend more time on the initial drawing (spend more time with initial measuring, be open to changing things later if they prove to be off or look off) and paying more attention to values across the entire image (some of my darks are too dark or neighboring areas not dark enough).
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Blake Pawlikowski
I preordered the course and also ordered your book in preparation! The book showed up today and I'm only 18 pages in, but already more than thrilled with the purchase...can't wait to get started! Trying to wrap up the portrait course I'm in before these lessons start to come out.
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Blake Pawlikowski
Drawing from following the demo. I find when I follow the demo, I lose sight of the reference and the basic shapes, which results in some areas that aren't clear or as defined as maybe they would be if I focused directly on reference. On other assignments, I've tended to like my own drawings from reference vs the outcome of following along. Regardless, relatively happy with this after attempting to fix a couple areas. Will do some more studies over the next couple days. I feel like I'm pretty self aware on this one, but, as always, open to feed back if anyone has thoughts for me.
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Blake Pawlikowski
Another ear study today. Enjoyed the process while focusing on a reference vs following a demo. I feel like this got the form and shapes more accurately than the last one.
Gannon Beck
After doing the portrait of Nicolai yesterday, I decided to revisit the lessons of the features. I had done them before, but never in charcoal. I had either done them digitally, or in another medium I felt a bit more comfortable in. Upon reflection, I think that was a mistake, however an understandable one. It was a mistake because getting out of our comfort zones is precisely where real learning occurs. We should lean into that feeling of being on artistic shaky ground. It was understandable because it wasn't just a lack of experience in drawing with charcoal. There were more fundamental skills I was missing that was going to make drawing with charcoal (or more precisely a charcoal pencil) endlessly frustrating. The root problem is that I didn't know how to properly sharpen a pencil. Now this is embarrassing to admit in that I've been a professional artist for decades, but when you look closer it's easy to see how such a glaring flaw in my skills could arise. Namely, I work primarily in ink or digitally. I'm more of a cartoonist than a fine artist. While this experience helps me with some fine art skills--like structure and gesture--it doesn't help me with others--like drawing with charcoal and controlling edges. Even an experienced artist needs to shore up fundamental skills when attempting something completely new. What has been helping me is the Drawing Basics Course. In that course, Stan is making the assumption that we're all at level zero. And while I'm certainly not at level zero for everything Stan is teaching in that course, it's helping me find the cracks in my foundation so that I can shore them up. I mean, I'm fifty-one and I just learned how to properly sharpen a pencil. The thing about fundamental skills is that they get used all the time. Any improvement in your foundation will ripple through the rest of your art because it gets used over and over again. It's improved my line quality as well as my enjoyment of drawing generally. Before, I didn't care about the pencil stage. It would all get erased anyway when I brushed in the ink. Now, I love the pencil stage and am am finding it immensely satisfying. The Drawing Basics Course is also making the Portrait Course more useful to me. I suspect this would be true for a lot of us. We all have different cracks in our foundations, but Stan is being very thorough in his coverage of the basics. Whatever our fundamental struggles, the Drawing Basics Course is a good place to address and conquer them. Anyway, for what it's worth, I thought I'd put it out there why I think the Drawing Basics Course is one we would all benefit from.
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Blake Pawlikowski
Well put and I think I largely agree with you. I debated doing the basic drawing course and decided to do this one to start. Still trying to decide what to do after this, and your comments maybe have me leaning towards doing the Basics course. And for what it's worth, I'm not sure I knew how to sharpen a pencil properly either until recently! Did it for the first time during 12 Days of Proko. I'm also not a professional, though I sometimes wish I had tried to be! Maybe a later in life career change down the road. I'm only 43, so I'm just a kid and have time...right? :)
Blake Pawlikowski
Followed the demo and then one from reference. Will be doing some more, but posting as a personal form of accountability.
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Blake Pawlikowski
Did another practice drawing this evening. Used .5mm HB mechanical pencil instead of the 5mm 2B lead holder from the other 2 studies above. Much better control for the size I was working at.
Blake Pawlikowski
Followed the demo. Will be doing some more practice from reference. Used a lead holder for the first time with 5mm 2B graphite vs. wood/mechanical pencils. Was fun exploring a new tool while working on this.
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Gannon Beck
24th Day of Proko and counting. I had the timer sent for 20 minutes on these. After it dried, I had to go back into the first one for a few minutes to try to save it.
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Blake Pawlikowski
Love this...fantastic work!
Blake Pawlikowski
Did some practice on eyes. The first is obviously following the demo/step-by-step. The other two are from reference. I've always loved drawing eyes, but the anatomy details shared along with this lesson were very helpful in pushing a bit further and understanding more of what I'm drawing and including better detail . Will certainly be doing more eyes, but also need to get more Loomis heads in (I'm only maybe at 50 of the 100) and probably will still push forward to do the rest of the features. Thanks in advance for any feedback or thoughts. There are some things I've noticed to improve on, but generally happy with these.
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Blake Pawlikowski
Love your goals! Mine is fairly simple...make drawing a habit and not something I do inconsistently. I would like to start a Proko course (I got a gift card towards one and have to pick what I'm going to do!), which will help with this goal. I'd like to make it to one of your zoom meetings, too. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Looking forward to inspiration and growth in 2024!
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Blake Pawlikowski
Travelling today for the holidays impacted my time to fully jump into this challenge, but I was able to draw late this evening using the timer. I don't know that I loved the poses I selected for these, but that's ok. I'm happy that I participated daily and learned quite a bit! Looking forward to continuing to work and it's going to be weird not having these prompts/assignments daily. Thanks to everyone at Proko for putting this on and for everyone sharing your work! It's been motivational to page through these daily. Super happy I found this community.
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Blake Pawlikowski
Once again, fantastic live stream and enjoyed drawing today. I've never drawn the break down of figures to geometric shapes, so struggled with that. I am conscious of the break down when I'm drawing, but simplifying it like this no doubt will help me long-term! Tried to stay to timer constraints, so didn't rework/fix things I'm aware of that are wrong on these.
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Blake Pawlikowski
My intent was to complete a drawing and then pull into Procreate and work with it there to maybe play with color and add some magic-y flourishes. I started in Procreate and did a basic outline and started to add some color before running into technical difficulties and it's too late at night to mess with it. I have intentions of revisiting soon and playing with this image more. Live stream was excellent today. Thanks!
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Blake Pawlikowski
Not excited about my 5 minute studies. The longer one is ok, and I enjoyed that one, but didn't feel like I got a likeness.
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Blake Pawlikowski
I need to spend more time on gestures...the force method was super interesting to learn about in the live stream. Still get caught up in details, but started to loosen up in a couple of these. These were 2-5 minutes each. Should probably do more with a shorter time frame.
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David Campbell
Super excited to join in the livestream. Mike Mattesi's work has flow and shape design that I find super fun and dynamic. Here are a few poses I did after the stream - 3 to 5 minutes each. It took quite a few bad drawings before this to start finding the "Connections" that he tries to emphasize. Hope I did alright!
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Blake Pawlikowski
These look great to me! Well done!
Blake Pawlikowski
Did 2 shorter poses of 10 and 15 minutes. Then did a longer study and used markers as suggested. Initial drawing was about 50 minutes. 30 minutes on an initial ink. Another 50 minutes putting in values with the marker. I used Copic Sketch markers and white gelly pen for white.
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Alex Greenwood
Armor is my bread and butter. I love all things medieval, kind of. There was a lot of disease and war, which arent my favorite. The rest though? Pretty awesome stuff. The Peter Han sketches where a big motivator, I love his illustrations and his Dynamic Bible book. I did two pages: one page of ~6 minute drawings and one page of ~20 minute drawings. If I needed an extra 60ish seconds to finish the shading I'd go ahead and finish it off. I'm quite happy with the way these turned out. Playing around with a fountain pen is always fun. Been a pleasure doing these challenges so far. I'm glad I joined in on the fun. Keep up the great drawings everyone
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Blake Pawlikowski
These are awesome... Love it!
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