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Phew! This was a tough one. I only had my phone to display the reference photo so measuring proportions was a small scale affair. The drawback of travelling light.
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Luke Ng
Finally done with this drawing. It took so much longer than Stan said it would, especially because I was checking my proportions with the reference at every stage. Speed was my biggest struggle with this, how often should we check our work against the reference
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Well done!
Vera Robson
I can't say I fully understand how this works. Plumb lines make sense, but I find measuring proportions with a pencil too imprecise to be useful, it seems easier to eyeball the proportions.
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Well done! 👏🏼
Catching up on this course! Level 1 eagles and Level 2 penguins
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In the first — line weight by importance — I wanted to place the importance in the heavy body parts to capture the weight of the animal. In the second I drew in the shadow lines. Not sure if that was the purpose of this exercise but I kinda like it. It seems to be capture the animal in a sunset environment.
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Catching up. These were prior to watching the demo, which I still have to do. :)
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I was a bit tired so I fucked up the boots... I'll try them again after I've seen the demos.
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I still need some work in the simplification department. :)
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