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Hi I would love some feedback on these. Some of these I think I made stiff and others I think I did okay.
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A few seals (or sea lions I'm not sure)!
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These are lovely, great work!
This project was so fun! I've only done the first part of level 2 so far. Lately I've been trying to do more of my own projects and designs for characters. They aren't very good. So Im trying to improve on that by doing break downs of professional work, figure drawing on top of improving on the fundamentals. Im having a really hard time figuring out how much time to spend on exercises, especially break downs of professional work, figure drawing sessions, and then my own character designs and stories. Then the fundamentals aka this course. Im currently trying to figure out a schedule for myself, but Im finding it really hard to do when I have no rule of thumb for how long I should be spending on exercises and studies vs personal work. If anyone could share how they have managed to balance personal work and fundamentals, exercises etc, that would be great!
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May Berry
My second attempt at this project using a different reference. (I'm a leftie who is a fan of Vaush, but I can't help myself sometimes). I made his jaw too big and his scalp too small. A few other elements are a somewhat misaligned. I made my drawing too large laterally, so the rest of his body didn't fit the page. As frustrating as this project is, I'm finally starting to get it and I've found ways to make it work for me. The main unit of measurement is between the top of his tongue and the top edge his left lense. I subdivided this unit using halves and thirds. I color coded units and subunits to avoid confusion. I then used a second unit using the length of his mouth which is drawn in orange. Even if some units didn't align with an edge, I put it in anyway just as a way to give me more of a reference. Next time I'll try measuring with my ruler instead of my pencil.
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Great Job! I never thought to use a ruler, that's a good idea! :)
I had fun with this, definitely a good exercise for the future. After a few tries (and watching the demos and critique) it began to click.
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These are so great, your drawings are really inspiring me!
Art Stark
After Roberto De La Torre, but Before watching Proko Demo. Yeah, I could have used pencil, but there's nothing that makes me more uncomfortable than ink from a Tombow brush pen.
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Beautiful work!
The guy from BluishDot
Some new attempts at practicing these concepts:
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Nice job!
Art Stark
Line Hierarchy: 1. The Eye, 2. The Head, 3. The Mass/Weight — with Prismacolor Pencil.
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This is beautiful great job!
Art Stark
Line: Light & Shadow with Fine Liners
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I really like your lines they're very interesting. I will say if this is your light and shadow piece it's not clear where the light is coming from because your heavy lines are not consistent with one light source. If the light is coming from the left then there wouldn't be a shadow on the outside of the left shoulder, and most of the inner right leg would be in shadow. The heavier lines are where the viewer eyes are going to first, So it looks like you made the focal point of the drawing the underbelly. All in all great work and I hope this helps!! :D
I felt I needed some more practice with line wight. I apply line wight fine when I doing exercises to hone it, but after Im done with the exercise I don't think about it so it doesn't get into the drawing. I think some of it is that often I get lost in thought while I draw especially if Im working on my own project. It's kind of frustrating because I'll be working on a drawing and then I realize that something is off and most of the time its the lines or line quality. Can anyone relate?
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