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I've made these a while ago before watching the demo and now I can see so many mistakes that I've done and also after watching the demo. I think I will try to sketch more from different photos and think more about the flow and lines than about the contour
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Here are my level 1 assignments before watching the demo. The boots were really tiring and I needed to be very careful with the laces, I couldn't use my whole arm for them. I still think they turned out quite alright, even though I struggled a little haha I would love some feedback!
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This is my second pear after I watched the demo and the critique videos! The values were easier now that I used two different pens (I think it was HB and 2B)
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Helen Cade
Completed before watching demo- took me ages!! 🥴
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Wow, I love your clean edges and how you can easily see the values! I think you have done a really good job with simplifying this portrait
Alejandro Rodriguez
on my first attempt I definitely felt like using the stump, and even though I was still happy with it I had already set up the goal of doing one after the demo and it definitely felt like I was noticing new things. specially transition in values and the difficulty of focusing on shape language rather than line language. Any critique is welcome :)
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I really like that the edges of the pear itself are sharp, but I think you could have the sharpness with the edges of the different values, so you can differentiate between the 5 values, otherwise I think you have done it really well!
A bit late, but better late than never! This is my first pear before watching the demo. I think I chose paper that was way too soft for graphite pencils, so I had a bit of a problem with differentiating the values on my paper.
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Armando Mora
Some quick dino sketches! Trying to get comfortable with the supplies I bought.
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Wow they look amazing!
I have a handmade sketchbook with a few pages left blank. Here is my doodle for today. If you have time and patience, it is worth making such a sketchbook: You can open it perfectly flat, it has a minimal cost (if you don't use the most expensive paper), and you won't have a more personal one.
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that looks beautiful! But I think, that if I make my own sketchbook, I would probably be too careful with it and try just to draw beautiful drawings in it haha
Jumping the gun. was an industry pro for a while then left to do something else…. Skills have atrophied….too much. Here is an attempt at the intermediate image… looking at it, it’s not much of a value study, more of a shaded drawing… Thoughts? hoping to get back into fighting trim. Looking forward to working with you all!
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While I am in no position to give constructive feedback it looks really good to me! The proportions are just a little bit of but I really like it 😊
Mike Karcz
If anyone is interested in a study group, I can start a discord server were we can follow along with the course as the lessons come out. Comment below and I can shoot you an invite. *Edit* Sorry, not as discord savvy as I thought I was. I'll need you to friend request me, and then I can send you the invite link (has to be friends only). My code: Other Barry#8117
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