Tatiana Larocque
Tatiana Larocque
Born 1994- drawing since 1995
Activity Feed
Tatiana Larocque
Thank you! I really liked getting your feedback :)
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Tatiana Larocque
I really enjoyed this homework, it allowed me to practice this unique pose :)
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Tatiana Larocque
I’d say you’re on the right path. It’s a strong start. You’re light is coming from straight out onto this creature but why not angle it? It’ll give you more dimension in that the front or back of the creature will have more light. Remember that things in the shadow tend to have less detail and things in the light tend to have the most. However shadow is the best place to play with color and reflective ambient light ! :) Cant wait to see it done ✅
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Tatiana Larocque
I am really finding myself quite entertained by the colors i can now squeeze into my paintings and am looking forward of pushing the boundaries more and more! thank youuuuu! @Marco Bucci
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Tatiana Larocque
thank you Marco Bucci for heling me expand how i render and use colors. I did some experimental ( for me) coloring in this and am very happy with the improvement it made. Open to criticism and tips :)
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Tatiana Larocque
This style is super outside my comfort zone, but I always admire it. Sorry for the poor attempt and also the random subject lol it was just on my desk... first attempt. quick painting. 1hr . CSP
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Shelvs Fleurima
Apologies if this made you spit out whatever you were eating at the moment. I am wondering what I could do to fix the lighting?
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Tatiana Larocque
So it looks like your light is coming from above, or maybe slightly from the front-above. the first thing i'd do is go in an define my cast shadows. should be one on the .... tentacle tongue? and teeth... bellow the lips in general. there should be one on the lower part of the top lip too. try adding a sharper highlight on sections of the uper lip to define it more. Also the tentacles look like they have purple light at the bottom. why not use that to put some purple reflected light bellow the bottom lip to define it once it is darker from cast shadows.
Tatiana Larocque
Not sure where to find these brushes you are talking about.
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Tatiana Larocque
oh okay they were under the course itself not the specific lesson lol sorry and thank you!
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