Critique please!

Ive been trying to make my art a little more refined without having the lineart with it and i was wondering what i can do to make the limbs and body pop more and not look as “flat” i guess
p.s.-i still haven’t finished rendering the painting yet
Hey sadbonez,
I think the reason your painting looks flat is due to the drawing, not the painting. I did a quick sketch to show you how you can add some dimension to the drawing. Then when you paint, it will already have a 3D feel.
Hope it helps :)
Wow thanks this helps a lot I’ll definitely try this out with my next peice and try and incorporate this into the one im eorking on rn this makes a lot of sense
I’d say you’re on the right path. It’s a strong start. You’re light is coming from straight out onto this creature but why not angle it? It’ll give you more dimension in that the front or back of the creature will have more light. Remember that things in the shadow tend to have less detail and things in the light tend to have the most. However shadow is the best place to play with color and reflective ambient light ! :) Cant wait to see it done ✅
Maybe some highlights up top on the head, (if that's a head, it looks like the head part to me) I think the shading is good for the parts that have been shaded, and that is my advice. I hope it's useful!