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added comment inProject - Simple Animal Portraits
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I had fun with this, definitely a good exercise for the future. After a few tries (and watching the demos and critique) it began to click.

These are so great, your drawings are really inspiring me!
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phew. what an intimidating project, but totally worth it. After a long scroll through a bunch of other assignments looking for dope artists, I chose 3, Claire Wendling, Eliza Ivanova, and Phil Guy.
I even dug out my scanner to get some better images lol.
Honestly the most valuable part of this course is Stan teaching ("babbling" lol) about how to learn. Having been one of those students that excelled in school, I never actually learned how to study on my own. So what I've been focusing on recently is learning how to study and learn new things, and hone the skills that got me through college but I've let atrophy in the now decade and a half since.
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Tracing the rhino was pretty straightforward. I'm attempting to add things that I want to practice hands and expressions, so I grabbed a few stock photo packs. I'm not sure I'm 100% following the prompt for the from reference drawings, but I was definitely thinking about varying line weight, I swear!
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Ack. I've been sitting on this assignment for too long, I wanted to do a few more studies because I'm not completely happy with my final drawing, but I'm just not finding the time. I liked the initial drawing, but goofed on the final lines lol. Ready to move on I think, ad astra!
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Still trying to find that middle ground between rushing through a drawing and overworking it. Also finding that I think I'm pressing too hard which makes correcting mistakes challenging.
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I lost count of how many values I used lol. I feel like it's a fair portrait, with a number of mistakes, but this is probably the longest I've spent on a drawing in years. Feels good haha
Damn. OK! So after watching the demo, I realized that my biggest area that I need to focus on improving is not rushing through these. Proportions are still a little wonky, and I think I could work on keeping track of my values a little better.
Colin Dunphy
Asked for help
Hi everyone, here are my attempts at both levels prior to watching the demo videos. I feel pretty good about the pear however I think I could have used a variety of pencils to create more contrast between values, I also think I did not simplify the shapes enough for the objectives of the project. I gave the portrait a good go but I found it really difficult to draw the shapes using only straight lines! I struggled with the proportions (especially the eyes). What else could I do to improve my simplification of shapes/values? Thank you in advance!
Very nice. I'm honestly into the way the face is rendered from an aesthetic pov even if the proportions are a bit off. It might help in the future to try mapping out the major shadow shapes in order to force yourself to see it a little more simply?
Asked for help
I did the pear one twice, mostly because I realized I hadn't followed instructions once I went to watch the demo.
This is really cool! I love the shapes in the 2nd attempt, and the 1st one is still a brilliant drawing even if it doesn't quite fit the instructions.
Asked for help
Ok, I'm very excited that I found this resource. Feeling ready to get back into making art after years of not drawing and saying "I should draw" but not really knowing how to go about it anymore.
I feel your words, my friend! That's exactly ME :) Feels always good, to know, someone's on the same path as you are.