Gannon Beck
Gannon Beck
I make T-shirts and comics.
Activity Feed
Gannon Beck
421st Day of Proko and counting. Just a few two minute sketches.
Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
Tried some exaggeration without giving any conscious thought Day 64: 6th Feb, 2025 Less than 1 minute poses
Gannon Beck
Well done! And in just a minute.
William Montalvo
2 minutes with ref. Tried to exaggerate.
Gannon Beck
Very nice. I think the choices here are successful.
Gannon Beck
420th Day of Proko and Counting. A couple untimed figures tonight.
Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
Wow! The right one is the winner of the whole series of watercolor gestures! The cauliflower effect looks so captivating!
Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
Day 63: 5th Feb, 2025 2 min portraits
Gannon Beck
Very nice. Gotta keep these in the rotation.
Dedee Anderson Ganda
Gannon Beck
Beautiful work! you're really capturing the poses.
William Montalvo
10 from ref 1 min 10 from imagination 1 min 2 five mins from ref It's been a while since I did 5 min poses. I tried to do the 5 mins in one layer, can def make them look more finished with 2 layers but not sure if it defeats the purpose Was going to shade both the 5 min poses but felt there wasn't enough time to make it look good.
Gannon Beck
Looking really good. Ironically, I think the ones you're doing out of your imagination are more expressive. I think if you want to do that with the reference, you might have to exaggerate the poses you're seeing.
Gannon Beck
This is a doodle more than anything, but the black parts were done with a Pentel brush pen, which I like a lot. I *think* it's permanent ink but I'm not 100% sure. It allows you to get a lot of ink on the paper fast. In this case, I was using smooth Bristol board, which probably isn't the best match for the the tools I was using, but I want to pull the thread on this approach a little more to see if there is anything worth discovering.
Joseph Osley
Gannon Beck
Wow! The progress you're making is unmistakable. Beautiful work.
Dedee Anderson Ganda
30 sc poses again, better flow today!
Gannon Beck
Looking good!
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