Anna Sch
Anna Sch
Selftaught Artist
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Humbling to see how my lines turn out. Nevertheless a fun way to practice lines in a more complex way than just 'drawing straight lines'. Adding this to the warm up mix!
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Anna Sch
This is my attempt. With and without guide lines. I can see that my boxes are a bit wobbly and uneven. Is there anything else i should look for next time?
Anna Sch
I googled geomatric shapes and tried to draw them most accuratly. Pyramids and donuts give me headaches….. next step is to draw forms from imagination.
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Grace Mounce
I've got a few questions about this one, and I was hoping somebody might help me clear my head. In Stan's drawing, the angle from the teres major to the elbow seems off (I pointed it out with the red line in this screenshot). I followed Stan but measured the angle differently; but I don't know if this is actually correct because it makes the guy look like he has a really long back. Is the teres major lower on the back than I think it is? Also, Stan marks the iliac crest so it lines up with the PSIS; but in the Landmarks of the Human Body diagram that comes with this lesson, the iliac crest is a little higher than the PSIS. When I draw my own landmarks from different photos, should I line these points up like Stan does? Please forgive my real "correcting" tone. I definitely trust Stan's knowledge of anatomy way more than I do my own! But I'm just confused about what goes where. Thank you all! Sincerely, Grace Mounce
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Anna Sch
And btw your linework looks really fine! You‘re definitly on the right way.
Anna Sch
I think stans measurement was different cause he tried to exaggerate the movement/gesture of the figure. Its more an artistic choice than a perfect copy of the reference. Sometimes it makes sense to go over the actual proportions to get more asthetic results. If you follow his drawings trust the process and after that try to do it again on your own without looking at his example.
Marco Sordi
2023/4/23. “I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times”. Bruce Lee
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Anna Sch
Wow that hand figure is a really cool reference
If someone can please provide me a critique. Thank you :)
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Anna Sch
These look exactly like my first figure drawings a few years ago :)
Sesese Masondo
Hello, I’ve just gotten back into drawing after more than a decade. Some I drew on top of others, so I don’t know how clearly it will read. Any critique would be welcome, I feel like I’m doing something wrong but I don’t know what.
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Anna Sch
First congrats for starting to draw again! What i first can see is that you try to find the contours with too many lines at a time. I also still have problems with scratchy lines and have to be really patient while drawing. -try to use less lines, or practice to build up the lines on top of each other instead of next to each other - maybe warm up with some more beans before drawing figures and rewatch how proko is drawing. Hes planning every single stroke really well and sometimes you can see him ghosting the lines in the air befor he puts the pencil on the paper - you should check out his latest free videos on YT about drawing basics and line quality. I think you can benifit from it ! keep going and be patient with yourself. You will see that your lines will get better with regular practice. I swear.
Anna Sch
I came back to the bean exercise and compared it to my results from last year. Left is old. Right is new.
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Anna Sch
I first try to practice the position of the palm and hand cause i have problems to imagine geometric shapes.
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Anna Sch
Beginning of my 100 hands challenge. The first 2 pictures i drew before watching the video course so i can compare my results.i draw with 2 colors. First the underlaying structure lige in the bone assingnement and than the anatomical masses.
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Anna Sch
Hands are always my worst thing to draw. Except feet…. My goal is to draw at least 100 hands. Cause i think repetition is a key to impovement and muscle memory. I will make extra file folder for my 100 hands challenge :)
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