We’re back in the studio, and better than ever for this week’s Draftsmen where we talk about talent. What is it, and how can you nurture your own?
Honestly didn’t know the intro said “draftsmen show” as well

🥲 just turned 30... Sad times
Erin :-)
That was a great episode, thank you! 😊
Sean Valdrow
Eager! Eager! Eager!
TeResA Bolen
Yikes! Can’t start a new career after and expect to be successful unless it’s directly connected to skills you’ve already developed???!!! That’s horrible advice, @Marshall Vandruff ! What are you thinking? Do you really believe that? Please reconsider that opinion, especially for your own sake. It reminds me of the 1970’s and 80’s when I was telling everyone who would listen that IQ is much more fluid than we realize, and nowadays, guess what we know! The understanding of myelination and remyelination in the CNS is still such a young science, I think it’s completely unreasonable to make such a pronouncement – perhaps even toxic. This is one of those situations where a little knowledge can be dangerous. I realize this episode was a book review of an old book, but still it would be much more useful to guide listeners to resources and lifestyle changes that increase and protect myelination at any age – exercise, learning anything and exploring curiosity with resources such as Wondrium, proper diet nurturing the microbiome, omega-3 fatty acids like EPA, vitamin D, etc. – rather than saying if you’re over 50 it’s too late.
Nice theyre back!
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About instructors
Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
I Write, I Draw, I Teach