Sita Rabeling
To this drawing I tried to add some mannequinization lines; still find it not easy to see the planes.
Hi @Sita Rabeling, I think the drawings looks really nice!
-To "see the planes" it helps me to imagine touching the forms. It might also help to imagine a box around the subject. I imagine the box by imagining touching it's sides with my hands.
- I think you can give the achilles tendon more solidity; make it a little thicker, and a little boxier.
-Not a calf critique: In the back of the thigh you have a few overlaps that I think might be off. The contour for the glutes should overlap the hamstrings.
Marco Sordi
2022/4/27. Good morning everybody. Here’s my third attempt for this section. Thanks.
Marco Sordi
2022/4/25. Good afternoon everybody. This is my second attempt for this example. Tomorrow I‘ll try again after watching Stan’s demonstration. Thanks and have a good day.
Marco Sordi
2022/4/23. Good morning everybody. Here’s my first attempt for this example. No shading for me today (I’ll do it tomorrow). Using Delavier’s book I think I’ve been able to draw an accurate diagram of the muscles in this pose. Thanks.
I mainly want feedback on my shading
1.What is that bump right next to the fibula. It should be the soleus right? But it feels like something separate...
2. I outlined the superior tendon of the gastricnemius. Is my interpretation correct?

@Jesper Axelsson Hi Jesper, unfortunately I don't know much about shading right now, but I will try to answer your questions ( please let me know what you think, so I can verify what I think is going on here).
1. I think There are two bumps next to fibula, the one in the soleus side, I think is soleus striations (because there shouldn't be any other muscle there), but the second one above the peroneus doesn't seem like striations (they would go upwards, but here it just a bump). Is it some bone underneath that makes the peroneus bump on that spot?
2. I think that because the lateral side of the gastrocnemius is smaller than the medial one, we would see a little bit of the medial column too (from what I saw on the 3D model).
Your shading seems very good to me.
Looking forward to your reply :)
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.