Assignment - Page Layout and Thumbnailing

Course In Progress

Assignment - Page Layout and Thumbnailing

Course In Progress

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It’s time for you to practice cinematography!

Alright, for this task, we're going to set up a whole comic. First, check out the full script in the downloads tab. Make sure to read it all the way through, maybe even twice, before you start sketching. Then, tackle it page by page, figuring out how you want to frame the story. Remember, when you're doing the whole layout for a comic, focus on getting your ideas down quickly rather than making everything look perfect. Your drawings should be clear but they don't need to be super detailed. Think about how Aaron whipped up his thumbnails in his lessons. We're aiming for speed here, getting those layout ideas flowing. 

Tip 1: Keep your drawings small and don't worry too much about the fine details. You can even use half a sheet of printer paper and just any pencil you have. Your main aim is to make sure the story and action are clear even without any words. But, remember to leave enough space for the letterer to add text later on. 

Tip 2: Even though these are just rough sketches, keep a sharp eye on a few key things. Focus on the sequence of how the panels will be read, where you place characters in each panel (think about who speaks first), how the action moves, and making sure the page is easy to follow. Also, roughly figure out where the word balloons, sound effects, and captions will go. This way, you make sure there's enough space for both your art and the text, and the text can be read in the right order.

After you've sketched out the thumbnail version of your entire comic, pick a 2-4 page sequence that you really liked. Now, create two different versions of these pages. Play around with the layout a bit. Try making different panels the biggest or most dynamic on the page and see how that affects the way the story is read. Experiment with changing the camera angles or tweaking the composition to guide the reader's eyes smoothly from left to right and top to bottom.

Also, pay attention to how you pose your characters and their silhouettes. Make sure these match their personalities. This way, even at this early stage, readers can easily tell your characters apart.

In total, you’ll upload the thumbnail version of the comic, and two iterations of your favorite sequence.  If you get stuck, read some of the comics we’ve given you in this course and study how the pros do it!

You have until April 28th, 2024 to submit your art for possible inclusion in the critique video.

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