Armature Demo
Armature Demo
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Figure Sculpting Fundamentals

Armatures for Sculpture

Armature Demo


Armature Demo

Andrew Joseph Keith
Check out my full process for making a wire armature for figure sculpting!
Technical Software Education
This was harder then I thought. Its is a small sculpt and I have sausage fingers. I did use a wooden tool at some point. I forgot I wasnt supposed to do that. My arms on my armature were too short so I changed the position of the elbow and made up the difference in the hands with clay. This was soft clay. I think when I do another sculpt I'm going to use medium clay as Handling it made changes I didnt want.
Have to admit, when I first saw this it looked pretty straight forward. Piece of cake, you know? But my biggest problem was wrapping the wire. I couldn't figure out how Andrew was doing it so smoothly. At first I was wrapping the wire around the figurine and things just kept getting in the way. It became very frustrating. Then I noticed that Andrew was basically doing the opposite: twisting the figure around the wire (Ah ha! - But still a learning process.) The first figurine came out okay; but I feel sorry for it, being the my first try and all. As I get better, I hope the other, hopefully more improved figures don't make fun of it. Actually it isn't that bad, but you know how armatures can be. Anyway, one down and two to go. I think I will have to re-watch the video though to complete them. Thanks.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey yes that's a great observation that perhaps I could have made more clear in the demo. Moving the entire armature is often easier than moving the spool of wire around the armature as you're twisting the wire. Keep it up!
Rebecca Shay
I've been stuck on this stupid question for months haha. How do you fix the armature on the base? and I think you mentioned in one of the videos (can't find it now) that hardware stores have free flooring samples? Mine doesn't so I have to buy some. What would you say is a good thickness of the board for beginners? I can't see myself building anything taller than 10" anytime soon. Would these work well?
Andrew Joseph Keith
Yeah those wood boards look like they will work great for study boards. If it’s a smaller sculpture you might be able to get away with just securing the sculpture to the base with clay. But there are lessons on building a more sturdy armature stand with supplies from the hardware store or you can find armature stands online.
Rob Whicker
Somehow my measurements varied slightly…😂 but I got the 3 soldiers wound up… Now onto the gesture exercises!
Andrew Joseph Keith
nice! watch the hips so they're not too wide. those might be pushing it once the clay is added. Keep it up!
Hariharan Suryakumar
Enjoyed doing the armature using single piece of wire! I have practiced it and happy with the result.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Nice! Keep it up!
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Proko sculpting instructor. Sculpting takes drawing to a whole new dimension.
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