Anatomy of the Human Body
Torso(163 Lessons )
The Basics
Rib Cage
Shoulder Bones
Intro to Muscles
Pecs & Breasts
Torso Drawing
Shoulder Muscles
Lower Back Muscles
Upper Back Muscles
Neck Muscles
Arms(101 Lessons )
Legs(107 Lessons )
Anatomy Critiques – Types of Joints
In this lesson we slow things down a bit and sit down with Marshall Vandruff to review and critique your assignments on the types of joints.


I found this assignment pretty difficult, but it felt rewarding to work through. I'm excited to continue this course.

Hi guys, I would like you to take the time to tell me what it looks like and if it is possible that I can continue with the other bones, I mean if it is enough to be able to start oner muscles on it. Thank you.
I see a lot of mistakes, especially after watching the critique video. I have redone these several times already, and tried to incorporate general advice from Marshall and Stan without redrawing. Initially, I considered using the polished versions but why not show how much I explore? I can't be the only one! At the end of this course, I will revisit this exercise and improve it.
Gian Amir Calibuso
This is traced.
All the assigtments

Manuel Rioja
All the assigments
Freya artist
Hi everyone... well this is the first exercise. I'd like to improve the lines to create a clear and define artline

This year I´m doing a 365 days challenge to finally end this course a lesson per day. Every day I will post my progress.
To the left the ex. and Marshall answer, to the right my 1° (on my own) and the 2 ° (after seeing the answer) attempt on the 1 assignment.
Have a great day everyone and make great things, Day 18 done 347 to come.
Good luck with the challenge! I will follow you to see if you will make it

I have to find a better answer for the wrist in that position.

Child Granny
Marshall blinks like he has to remind himself. Incredible.

here is my exercise, i'm so eager to learn drawing now
Jesse Desuraune Rajol
I tried to study the lower part, rather proud especially compared to the previous ones in terms of line clarity and the understanding of the different joints.
Sandra Süsser
Kinda scribbled along and made notes during watching the video. Just now I realised what I was missing and which I am going to study further: the understanding of the real forms.. like not trying to simplify already simplified forms, but also starting at zero and studying the real bones. Really want to get into my problem area with the arm / forearm (identified in my tracing exercises). Had some aha moments already when watching close to real footage of the supination pronation process in video gif Form - studying with multiple different sources really helps and I know that, but I tend to forget it and need to remind myself more often.
Adam Wiebner
i can totally relate to the process you describe so well. One very helpful “source” i’ve learned to include a lot more in my studying artistic anatomy is studying my own body in motion, (best model- free and always available), like watching intently movement at my knee to understand so many muscle insertions and watching slow motion movement of what happens throughout arm in pronation.
I did some along with the videos, and I did some using the Skelly model on my own to challenge myself with poses I couldn’t check.

I need advice
Mike Karcz
First go through! I'm thinking I'll need to go through this exercise another couple of times. Critiques welcomed! Thank you!
Alejandro Sosa
looks great! I like how the hatching accentuates the forms
More joint drawings, the second one was a bit more complicated.
James Paris
Here is my attempts for these exercises , now that i watched the critiques i think i'm going to go back at it but with different bones/angles. ( Each assignement can be seen individually in previous pages )
Now I have to go back and do the lessons properly : D

Super helpful critique session, thank you for this video
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About instructors
Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
I Write, I Draw, I Teach