Journey 7 : need help

Ok so I’ve been stuck on this pose for about two days now and I decided to just take a step back from mannequins and just focus on the gesture I was getting too frustrated about how stiff they were so I’m here and i realize that I wasn’t actually taking the time to study the pose and actually see how I can push it. So in this pose I noticed that she has a big push to her hips but she’s also pinching on her right side. This doesn’t make since as in order to push her hips one side has to be the opposite of the other at least from my understanding so far. Can someone please help me figure this out.
so here’s are two of my attempts from today not that long ago if u want I can post my others from yesterday but this is what I have now and here is the reference I’m studying. I was practicing how to exaggerate my poses more so I was trying to emphasize the push of her hips more but instead Im pushing her lean more rather than her hips not sure how to do it.
Asked for help
Excuse me @Danet I’m sorry for tagging you and u don’t know me but I could really use some help and feedback. if u can please assist me in this pose I’m not sure exactly how she’s pushing her hips forward and keeping her legs locked I can’t really see her Asis so I only go about her belly button I just need some clarification of how she’s doing this pose and how exactly to emphasize the push of her hips, to me that is the story of this pose and I’m trying to exaggerate it more. The image closer to the reference is an old one and the other two are my latest attempts I have many more but there all messy.
Hi @silentmoonss , no worries, I love to talk about these things. Ím happy to help.
i believe the problem is that you got the pose right but when you exaggerated, you just drew the same pose in a more extreme way. This works sometimes, but not in this case, I think that pulling her torso down to the right would be super uncomfortable, and she might even fall. So we have to change the pose to compensate for the exaggeration. This might seem super complicated, but luckily we all have a body, so we can just try taking the pose ourselves. There we find all the answers. A story also helps, here are my stories for this pose, yours might be similar or very different as will be your exaggerations..
let me know if you have any questions, and Ím looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
Okay silentmoonss,
What I see as the problem is that you are losing the "story" of the pose. You are exaggerating the pose which is giving it a lot of gesture, which is good, but you are losing what the pose is doing. The right knee is locked and it is driving up into the right hip- this is the story of the pose. Because you bent the knee, you lost the tension in the pose.
I did a sketch to show you what I mean. I hope this helps with your frustration, but know, that you are doing pretty well, it's frustrating because you are growing artistically. Keep at it :)
Asked for help
@Steve Lenze thanks for the tips last time I was trying to take your words and apply them but I’m having a hard time doing that
@Jesper Axelsson