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Journey ??Forgot what number I was in when it came to counting my art journey but I have returned for another critique session and this time I have brought a stylized drawing from imagination( a bit of reference cuz I needed help with the eyes) I’m actually a bit happy with this one and went completely out of my comfort zone by attempting to shade I wasn’t really going to finish the other eye either but I tried and I actually liked the result. Has a bit of trouble with the nose I’ve been studying noses for 2 weeks now and I’m still struggling with the ball of the nose and how it’s positioned. Especially when we can’t see the nostrils. If anyone has some tips regarding noses and prior critiques on how I did with my drawing please kindly post some
Ok I’m actually laughing right now like first off I attempted another portrait again the same image and well the process was a bit easier than the attempt. I’m happy to say it actually looks like a decent guy instead of a big headed ogre( do hope to draw this someday) however I think I ended up with the incorrect perspective and I’m a bit worried he looks a bit different from the actual image. I’m practicing portrait to up my observation skills and get in some basic head shapes and I hop to diverge from realism into more surrealistic to stylized style but I needed some understanding of actual head drawings. I’m going to do another stylized drawing and post it some time this week . Other than that hope for some critiques on my second attempt. I added the older image to help show some differences
So I’ve been practicing heads a lot and yesterday I posted a more stylized version and realized I may need some more practice with placement or features and proportions so I’m back to realism. I noticed that I may have some trouble with my centerline and how it moves in perspective so if anyone can please provide tips on what it is I’m doing wrong. Other than that here’s my attempt and hope for some overall critiques from this
Hello been studying a lot and there is lots of ups and downs. Honestly I’m still completely lost regarding the planes of the eyes. I’ve tagged so many people but haven’t received much response not sure if this community is dead or alive. Anyway to keep a bit of consistency I’ve posted my 1st legit drawing from imagination( some of it was ref like the nose and eye brows). I’ve been having a bit of trouble with placing the eyes. I’ve practiced skulls placing eyeballs in skulls and like I got the gist of it but sometimes I wonder if maybe I interpreted it incorrectly. I’ve watched dozens of tutorials and they never explicitly state this is where the eye goes most of the time they just wing it. So here’s my artwork I just want to know if my placement is correct or not and the overall illustration is it decent. Thank you
Hello @Marco Bucci i was wondering if u can help me with the planes of the eye I’ve been having lots of trouble with it and am not sure how to go about it I understand the eye ball and how that has planes I’m not understanding the glabella and that bulging plane at the end of the eye brow. To me it seems like the the bulging mass has another set of planes underneath then the eyes just out but I can’t seem to see how the actual eye planes connect with it
Merrill Hutchison
The shadows might be causing some confusion for you because they exaggerate how much the surface changes. A quick simplification is to use 1 plane for the forehead and 1 plane for the eye socket. The bone sticks out a bit around the eyebrow area. If you want to add more detail around the top plane of the eye, think of it as a ribbon or a rubber band that bulges out slightly as it wraps from the nose to the outside of the eye socket. The leading edge attaches to the top of the eye socket & the trailing edge attaches behind the eyeball.
Hello I tried to implement what you said but it still isn’t really clicking if you have time may you please show me what you mean thanks again for replying to me. I was using this digital link
to hell me and this digital Asaro head seemed to have that on the older side of the Asaro head multiple planes coinciding with each other so it was hard for me to know what is the top plane and what is the bottom plane and how did the glabella region connect with these planes. So when I drew it on the figure though it varies It should more or less make sense.
Asked for help
@Steve Lenze
@Jesper Axelsson
@Liandro hello I’m not sure if I’m allowed to tag you but may you please offer some advice sorry I’m just so confused and studying on my own ain’t really getting me anywhere I’ve taken a look at proko portrait course , Marco’s Bucci’s course and many YouTube videos. Im not understanding the planes of the eye just that section alone
Hello. I’m having difficulty with the planes of the head primarily with the eye , brow section. I’m not understanding the hooded area section and how it looks as plains. I’ve done multiple draw overs but it just wasn’t clicking for me to understand. I know the eyes are deep within the eye socket I know that the nose shares a plane with the tear duct of the eye but what I’m not understanding is the hairy eyebrow section and the overhanging section to me they literally look like desperate planes like the eye brow is on top but then that lump and flesh that’s below it before it we get to the actual eye is confusing me here’s a picture of what I mean. The 2nd image was my attempt but it didn’t look right this is my 30th attempt( I’m not exaggerating)
Asked for help
Hey @Jesper Axelsson thanks again for responding to many of my posts the help is so very much appreciated. Many u please provide some insight on this?
@Steve Lenze