Journey 13 - portrait practice
Hello šŸ‘‹ itā€™s been a long time since Iā€™ve came on here. Still drawing and I feel as though Iā€™m staring to actually see genuine progress and things are slowly starting to click for me. I havenā€™t done many portraits in the past however I have practiced loomis and even the Riley method I also bought a course from Marco bucci painting the head and tried to implement both proko and Marcoā€™s concepts together I would say it was quite challenging but I feel as though I may have found some things that connect may not connect. My only gripe is I could not for the life of me draw the eyes it was torture so I opted them out for now. I think my greatest improvement was my patience in making sure every line counted although I did not measure I hate measuring so I just eyed it. Hope for some critiques regarding if it looks solid or did I get the perspective correct.
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Steve Lenze
Hey there, I know you hate measuring, but a lot of what's happening in this drawing has to do with distances between features. I will say you captured the angular nature of his face pretty well, but the distances are what's causing problems. I did a quick sketch to show you what I mean. Pay attention to my diagram on the eyes :)
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Welcome back @silentmoonss, The structure looks really nice on your sketch. The first couple of things that stand out for me are the turn of the face (your sketch is facing more to the front while the reference is more turned to the our right). The eyes sockets seem wider in your sketch as well and it perhaps has to do with the face looking more frontal. The last one I see is the tilt of the head; the angle on your sketch's head is more at 90 degrees, but on your reference the head is slightly tilted to the left. I hope this helps. For having eyeballed the proportions you were pretty good.
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@Steve Lenze hello long time no text. Have any critique? Thanks so much in advance and for all the others as well @Jesper Axelsson
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