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Week One Day 2 drawing. This was fun to draw. I grabbed one of my son's hot wheels and took a picture of it. I noticed my lines are getting a bit more precise.
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I can 'see' how to create the portrait from the circle but have no clue when I find an image on the web I would like to copy as to where to place the 'guiding' circle. I have seen post where the circumference embraces the now and other times it touche lips,etc. Is there a guiding rule or just simply draw it over the image and then start placing featues? I am lost on this
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Hi @killzen I agree with Maciek that drawing over photos does benefit in the beginning when it comes to understanding the Loomis method. One thing that helped me was taking into account the tilt of the head; that will help you understand where the circle will need to be placed. Also, it is true that not all the heads fit Loomis, but it will give you a point of reference to make adjustments. Good Luck in your journey. What helps is looking at the thirds on the face.
Week One Day 3 blaster gun. This was fun to draw. I hope I improved compared to the previous drawing submitted.
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Here is my first attempt for this assignment. I'm also trying to work on my shading technique so any critique on that is very welcomed !
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Greetings @omegaduck . These are awesome. The only feedback I see here is the shape of the retina on the upper left eye. If you're drawing from a front view, the iris is more of a circle, if it's from a 3/4 view or profile then it's a bit more elliptical due to perspective. When it comes to shading, you may want to look into the different types of edges (soft edge, hard edge etc.) it will give you a chance to establish your shadows and lights. You can check Proko's take of those types of edges, or you can check Watts take on it as well. I hope it helps.
Shayan Shahbazi
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These are some awesome angles you've given here. Thank you for your comment
Here is my Fire Hydrant assignment for the Proko Challenge. I didn't realize it would be a challenge indeed to make it, but I'm glad I did. Your feedback will be greatly appreciated as well.
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I suggest you use a couple of strait lines to make the eyelids around the eyes. I struggle with it myself, but i've noticed that making the lids with straight lines I can show the lids wrapping around the eyeballs.
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Longer figure drawing i just finished! It’s been about a year since i started actively drawing and while progress can’t really be seen day to day it’s fun to look back to see how far I’ve actually come. Feedback of course appreciated!
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Greetings @aeyt , It is amazing how we can see where our journey was as opposed to the present. I like very much your use of value. I do see that some of your edges seem to be hard edges, perhaps you can try to blend some of them to soften them up. The one feedback I see is the leg that's stretched seems to be bending inward I would suggest to do a construction with gesture first and look at your proportions before you add the anatomy. @Proko has a good video on proportions. You can also also try some plum lines for where things are at in relation to others. I hope this helps.
I asked proko this but not sure if he will answer. When he says a thin piece of the side plane can be seen from the front, does that mean the side plane isn't totally flat, but curves a bit toward the front? Or does that mean when seen from the top, it is tilted kinda like the first image? In that case, in a profile view, wouldn't the side plane be slightly to the front of the head instead of right in the middle? Or am I misunderstanding something?
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You are correct!
Welcome back @silentmoonss, The structure looks really nice on your sketch. The first couple of things that stand out for me are the turn of the face (your sketch is facing more to the front while the reference is more turned to the our right). The eyes sockets seem wider in your sketch as well and it perhaps has to do with the face looking more frontal. The last one I see is the tilt of the head; the angle on your sketch's head is more at 90 degrees, but on your reference the head is slightly tilted to the left. I hope this helps. For having eyeballed the proportions you were pretty good.
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