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Is there a way of getting the horizontal proportions? Same way you have explained the halves and thirds, but for the width of the face so we don't end up with faces that are, in my case, too narrow. I have thought about this because I don't know where would be a correct position to draw the temple in my sketches to form the temporal fossa. Thank you.
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Really would like an answer to this. Rewatched this vid and the next one multiple times and see no explanation for how to find either the temple or the back of the skull accurately.
How do you find the back of the skull if you're not starting with an accurate skull shape? When you start with this big perfect circle its not gonna accurately reflect where any of this is. I don't know where the circle shape on the inside in this diagram even came from.
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This assignment was fun but also pretty challenging. I really struggle to think more in 2d rather than defaulting to 3D, and had a lot of difficulty applying 2d thinking to photos that weren't at a flat angle.
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Getting back to this course. I actually watched this video last year on Proko's youtube and found it extremely informative, so I was already pretty familiar with it. Still a really good resource.
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I feel like the most confusing part of this is trying to draw the bottom plane of the jaw. Really got no idea what kind of shape to make it.
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I have to admit I'm starting to feel frustrated with this course. I feel like I'm being bombarded with a ton of information and a lot of it isn't super relevant to what I'm trying to study at the moment. I don't get why you go on so many tangents about gender differences when I'm just trying to digest averages in this video. I don't need to know all that right now, I need to focus on these basics first. It makes it really hard to figure out what I should actually be taking note of and zeroing in on.
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I feel like I'm seeing the appeal of this method more. Its helped me to think of the head more as a the cranium mass and jaw attachment, and how those could be manipulated. Its also helped me a lot with the perspective issues introduced by the jaw underplanes which I always struggle with.
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Tried taking notes based on the video. The most useful thing I got out of this is definitely the tilt stuff. I hadn't seen any other art vids really talk about that before.
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Asked for help
So this is a picture I did for a friend lately on commission. It kind of represents how far I can push my abilities right now, which isn't that far. Since its my max effort, I was wondering if I could get some feedback on what areas feel like they need to be improved the most. I've gotten some advice from other places but am trying to gather as many thoughts as I can to see what to focus on in the future.
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Took me a bit to get around to finishing these projects, but I tried to do everything I could. I mostly used the pen tool I use for digital inking and tried to apply lessons learned from watching these vids along with my own preferences when doing the follow up projects. I never really know how to feel about linework stuff. I like the way I ink stuff but its hard to know if its really working or not.
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