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I have been waiting so long to get on the critique.
Martha Muniz
Hi! I drew some notes over some of your examples, I hope they are useful throughout for this assignment. Overall, you have a nice simplification of form and flow within your shapes, but there are some tweaks that I think can further improve the gesture. Thinking about the contrast between edges (straight vs curved) and sizes (like the body vs the tail) can really add more interesting dynamics, as well as being watchful for any areas of symmetry that can block out flow.
this is my attempt. is there someone please help me to check on Ps? all critiques will be welcomed. Thank you
Sita Rabeling
Well I still have to learn more about Procreate, so someone else can help you much better with this image, but here’s what I could do. Followed Stan’s instructions. Hope it helps. It’s not Ps, but it’s something 🤓
these are my attempts before demo.
these are my attempts before and after demo
this is my pear before watching demo
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