Diana Reid
Diana Reid
Diana Reid
This assignment used many drawing techniques from early lessons. I still do not have very good line quality.
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Diana Reid
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Diana Reid
Diana Reid
My new lesson plan is to do a few drawings every day, for one to two weeks. At the end of that time I share a few of the better ones. I did the ovals in a 3H pencil. It is why the ovals did not show up in the pictures.
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Diana Reid
Diana, see my sketches below.
Diana Reid
I have working for over 2 weeks on wheels. These 6 drawings are the best I could do.
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Marco Sordi
2024/4/5. Good morning everybody. This is not a portrait but since there's no section for head anatomy I hope you don't mind if I post it here. Thanks for any comment or suggestion. Have a good day.
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Diana Reid
Thank you, it a great skull to practice drawing.
Diana Reid
This was a tough assignment.
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Diana Reid
Boxes after watching Demo video.
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Diana Reid
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Diana Reid
These were done before watching the demo video.
Diana Reid
I did both level l assignments and thought I would give a try at level 2.
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Diana Reid
I left out the cable car tracks going back into the distance.
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Diana Reid
Lady fix I left out the side of the right hand trolley.
Diana Reid
Difficult, but very enjoyable. For the second one, it took me 4 grids before I figured it out. Lots of erasing and I drew all the lines free hand, but on some of the long ones I had to adjust with a ruler.
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Diana Reid
The wide and thin shapes were harder to do than the average size shapes.
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Diana Reid
I think the hardest part of most assignments is taking a decent picture to post. When I drew these pictures, I did not look at the reference photo. What I did was try to copy where you drew your lines, the quality of your lines, and how you held the pencil. I am not sure how much of a difference it makes, but I am left handed.
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Diana Reid
I did multiple drawings of each pose. On the poses that I found extremely difficult I did at lest one using the pencil measurement method you taught. I then redid the same drawing by eyesight only. I found this extremely helpful. With one exception each drawing took me much longer than five minutes. I plan to do several of these drawings every week for a while.
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Diana Reid
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Diana Reid
Drawing from memory. I hope these are easier to see, I did them in no.2 pencil.
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Diana Reid
The drawing on the left was my first attempt, it took me several hours. I did the second attempt in about an hour. I did go back and draw many of the lines darker, so they could be more easily seen. I think this assignment more than any other taught me how to draw in the larger shapes first.
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Diana Reid
I have been working on line quality and I hope these sketches reflect this.
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Diana Reid
I have been doing pages of lines for several days. They do seem to be getting easier to draw, but if is still a struggle. Some of the lines are very light I hope you can see them.
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Diana Reid
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