Hi everyone! These drawings are for this lesson's assignment and after finding some time i was able to complete it. I've found the assignment quite easy to be honest and i didn't struggle that much while i was doing it , maybe the only thing worth pointing out is the rear delt and how it interacts with its tendon since i think i got it wrong on my drawings. Anyway, i would really like any kind of critique/advice.
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Hi everyone! These are my drawings for the hand bones' assignment which really challenged my perspective in many occasions but overall it was very fun. Probably the worst of these five is the fifth one so these days i'll send another version of it down in the replies. Anyway, i'd really appreciate any kind of critique/advice.
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I found some time to actually do it, here it is.
Hi everyone ! These are my drawings for this lesson's assignment . It took far too long to complete because i couldn't understand well the form of the radius, especially the S curve, when doing both forearm motions, now i think i've figured it out but the form still isn't the best. Anyway , i would really appreciate any kind of critique/advice.
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I've made some minor adjustments to the drawings
Hi everyone! These drawings are for this lesson's assignment. I couldn't find all the reference that i drew unfortunately but at least i have these two. I guess i have made some prospective errors on the fifth drawing and i also had some problems with two muscles in particular which are the ones between the clavicle section of the sternocleidomastoid and the trapezius(i don't know their names). Anyway, i would greatly appreciate any kind of critique/advice.
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Hi everyone ! These are my drawings for this lesson's assignment. I struggled a lot while drawing the poses since i feel that the romboid is still kind of unknown to me when drawing from a reference and that sums up most of my assignment i guess, the hardest poses to draw were the fourth and fifth one , i guess my gesture is a bit off in these or it's stiff overall. Also, the third one feels weird to me and i don't know why to be honest. Anyway, i would really like any kind of advice/critique.
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Hi everyone! These are my drawings for this lesson's assignment. Personally i found the front pose extremely hard for some reason, i didn't know how to approach the insertion properly . Also , the "pushing" pose was really tricky to draw because of the sudden twist in the upperback area. Anyway, i would really appreciate any kind of critique/advice.
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Hi everyone! These drawings are for this lesson's assignment and personally i didn't find it that hard even though i didn't use any kind of reference. The only thing i would say is that i scribbled a bit too much when i draw from imagination so i should be more careful next time .Anyway , i would really appreciate any kind of advice/critique.
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Hi everyone! These are my drawings for this lesson's assignment .Personally i struggled a lot with proportions especially when drawing the abs so maybe i'll practice them until i feel confident while continuing the course. Other than that, i also struggled with insertions but i got them figured out while making the skelly draw-overs. Anyway , i would really appreciate any kind of advice /critique.
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Steve Lenze
Hey Paylo, This is a pretty nice drawing, it captures the likeness fairly well. The values are not so accurate, and you nailed it by saying your half tones are too dark and your reflected light is too light. Let me add to that a little: First of all, 7 values is too many, I see maybe 4 or 5. If you squint at the reference, you will see dark and light, that's it. You should start by picking a dark value (not black) and a light value. Then render your halftones from there. Also, and this is critical, always compare your values with each other for them to be accurate. I did a quick paint over to show you what I mean, I hope it helps :)
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So in a 5 value study i should incorporate both terminator and reflected lights in one value, thank you for the critique!
Hi everyone! Recently i've started painting digitally for fun but i never practiced my values so here it is, a 7 value study . First of all, i've noticed half way through the drawing that the half tone value was a bit too dark and maybe the reflected light value was too light . Other than that, i would love any advice on drawing the hair since i'm still not able to render the values properly there. Anyway, i would really appreciate any kind of critique.
Hi! These are my drawings for the assignment of this lesson and it took me forever to complete(i've done these drawings 2 other times) . I still don't feel that confident with my lines sometimes and i'm working on it . Other than that , i'm still struggling a bit on gesture but i think these are a huge improvement compared to the breast assignment. Anyway,i would really appreciate any critique/advice.
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Hi everyone! These drawings are my assignments for the breasts lesson . Other than the poses sent in the downloads , i've did some gesture drawings but i forgot to take the references for them . Anyway, i think the worst drawing out all of them is the one on the right in the third photo, it just doesn't feel natural to me the way i drew it. I would really appreciate any kind of feedback and critique.
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Hi everyone! I just finished reviewing these drawings for the pecs assignment after watching the critique and demo videos. I would really appreciate any kind of critique.
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Hi everyone,these are assignments for this lesson. Maybe the biggest problem was to align the spine of the scapula with the end of the clavicle at the acronium ; other than that, my line quality is a bit messy but i'm working on it . Anyway, any kind of critique/feedback is greatly appreciated.
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Hi everyone! These are my assignments for this lesson . I've had some problems with drawing the bucket in some poses so i opted for the cube which was way simpler . There are some drawings that i'm not satisfied with like the sixth and the ninth . Anyway, any feedbacks are greatly appreciated .
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Hi! These drawings are my assignment for this lesson. I've had troubles in drawing the poses from the back/where we can see the back . Any critique/advice is greatly appreciated
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Hi! These are my assignments for this lesson . I've redrawn the ones that didn't feel right at first (my first tries are on paper, the others are on digital) like the fourth and the second one . I had some trouble with drawing the sacrum so i'll focus on that in my next tries. Anyway, i would really appreciate any kind of critique/advice, especially on the pelves from imagination.
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Hi! These are my assignments for this lesson. The hardest thing of this assignment for me was drawing the thickness of the spine while foreshortening it , especially in the 16th pose . Anyway, i would really appreciate any critique/advice.
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Crystal Blue  (she/her)
These look great! I think for your proportions it would help to pay attention to how each induvidual model varies from the standard loomis head proportions. Studing the loomis head, reilly head, and skull with also be helpful :)
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Thank you for the advice! I'm now reviewing the loomis head and the skull , there were some things that i didn't remember because i studied it many months ago .
Hi! I dedicated the last month on potrait drawings and these are my best tries so far. I feel like i've improved from the first potrait i've done in terms of shading but my proportions still feel off and i don't know what i'm doing wrong . Also i'm having some troubles in drawing the hairs, i've watched the proko video many times but the hairs that i draw still feel off. I would really appreciate any kind of critique or advice.
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