Omkar Gaokar
Omkar Gaokar
Mumbai, India
I'm working as a visual artist and trying to maximize art skills...
Activity Feed
Omkar Gaokar
Great Studies @Rathciel... You've done a really good Mannequinization.
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Omkar Gaokar
Hey, @Sagnik Kirtan you did well. loomis method is really helpful and you can use reilly rhythms with it, I think it will help you with proportions... keep up the good work!
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Omkar Gaokar
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Omkar Gaokar
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Omkar Gaokar
Looking Good! there's a great line quality and fluidity in Eliza's sketch. practicing fundamentals can help..Keep it up!!
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Omkar Gaokar
Looks amazing! Really strong study...
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Omkar Gaokar
Good Work @Art Anderson, practising gesture drawing and basic form can be helpful.
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Alan Seedhouse
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Omkar Gaokar
Thank You @Alan Seedhouse :)
Dan O'Connell
Hey Omkar, Great work on this! The eyes are so life-like, and the hair is spot-on. The only thing I would add, without seeing the original reference, would be to tighten up the terminator lines a little more, particularly under the hood. Shadows that close are usually pretty sharp and tend to blur out with distance, a fantastic study nonetheless!
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Omkar Gaokar
Thank You for the comment and feedback, I'll definitely try to improve it.
Omkar Gaokar
These are really great stuff!
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