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Moyra Le Blanc Smith
added comment inDay 12 - Comic Poses - 12 Days of Proko
Hey. Thanks for this challenge. It has challenged me a lot but has been good fun. The first 2 figures were 15 mins and the dude with the spear was 30 mins. Micron and brush pen. Merry Christmas to the Proko team.
Moyra Le Blanc Smith
Asked for help
Gesture drawings. I enjoyed doing these but I wish my lines weren’t so scratchy. The red ones were 2 mins, done with a fountain pen. The black ones were 5 mins, done with a Stabilo All pencil.
Moyra Le Blanc Smith
Asked for help
I love this dude! What attitude! Micron pen and copic markers. 25 mins.
Awesome job. I’d recommend you try this again, if you have the time, but with lighter markers. Light grays rather than dark grays and just be loose with your shading. Look for the dark shapes and patterns and just throw it on, not sloppy but quick. Using these darker markers creates an illusion of dark local value rather than light and shadow. Still though you did a great job, especially in capturing his attitude.
Moyra Le Blanc Smith
Asked for help
This was a fun drawing but super rushed at 20 mins. Tombow waterbased marker. I might try another with different markers. I think I could do cleaner lines if I had taken more time.
If you do it again and I think you should. Try drawing it with a thinner pen if you can, then go in for the shading with a marker. This would help you focus on the form and shapes more, rather than just value. You did a really good job capturing shape even with the big markers though and I think you did a great job overall. Thinner lines would also allow you so catch a mistake and try again without leaving a big impact on the final drawing. Again, good job and I hope this helps
Moyra Le Blanc Smith
Asked for help
I really enjoyed today’s anatomy study. I’m doing the basics course so we haven’t learned shading yet. Maybe the torso is a bit too long. Cheers.
I think you did a good job. The shapes are really interesting and reminds me of some great illustrators. I’d recommend focusing on the big shadow shapes more, rather than small patches of shadow. It’ll unify the lights and darks more and give a clear indication of the light’s direction. Still though great job, I really like this drawing.
Asked for help
Hi This is my drawing for Day 4 of the 12 days of Christmas Challenge. It’s hard to get everything right in 25 mins. I took a bit longer. Cheers.
Zach Pipher
I'm a very anxious artist. There isnt much I get anxious about any more. But I gotta say, The whole concept of intuition and allowing my self to trust my self really makes me anxious. Even watching Stans video about this master study i was anxious the whole time. It feels so big and mysterious even if at some level I think i understand. Letting my self not make a perfect copy of the master i'm studying. At times when i start to copy a piece i'm not sure if i'm doing it right, Am I just mindlessly copying a piece of art? Or am I learning something important from it. I have been attempting to copy the works of other artists better then me for a while. But I have difficult time taking off those training wheels and allowing my self to draw something from imagination, while using the shapes, or designs, or lines that I should of learned from the masters i studied . This is just getting some of my thoughts out. I'm super anxious just thinking about it, i hope one day I can throw aside my anxiety and just draw.
I find putting on some beautiful music while drawing, helps to shift the brain from analytical left side of the brain to the creative right side. When in this state, it’s very peaceful and you become absorbed in the process . All your worries disappear for a while. Good luck.
Moyra Le Blanc Smith
Thanks for the critique video. However I was wishing for more pencil drawings. All the examples discussed were digital.
Moyra Le Blanc Smith
Asked for help
Hi there. I’m not sure if I’m level 1 or 2 so I’m doing all the assignments.
1 Heirarchy 2 Light and Shadow 3 Change the light direction 4 My Hand 5 My Hand 6 Tissue Box
I have so many questions:
1 With the second (closed) hand, the underneath fingers were in shadow so I wanted to make them dark but they were further back so should they be light? Also they are not part of the silhouette so shouldn’t be as dark as the outline?
2 With the tissue box. I wanted to make the tissue light and thin to show its flimsy-ness but what about the silhouette? The bottom of the folded tissue is in shadow so should be dark but if I make it too dark then it would look weightier than the box.
Im having trouble integrating the three methods into one drawing.
Thanks so much for your advice and for the course.
Hi Julien thanks for taking time to comment on my drawings. Its worth thinking about your ideas. I'll keep on trying.
Moyra Le Blanc Smith
Asked for help
Hi there. I find it very difficult to design the shapes when looking at the photos. Drawing from another drawing is much easier.